source: designcollector
“Grégoire Alexandre is a French photographer, famous for his surrealist works. For many years, Grégoire has studied film. Today he takes pictures especially for fashion, advertising and working with artists and musicians, including the creation of album covers. His world is totally surreal and crazy.
source: showstudio
Grégoire Alexandre is a French photographer living and working in Paris. He was born in Rouen and studied at the National School of Photography in Arles. Alexandre’s work has appeared in Wallpaper, Esquire UK, Intersection, the world of Hermès, Beaux Arts, Libération and GQ France. He has also collaborated with music artists such as Etienne Daho, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Yann Tiersen, and Yelle.
In 2003 Grégoire was selected for the Hyères Festival and exhibited around the world from France and Spain to Canada and Japan. In 2008, Alexandre shot a major photographic campaign for the exhibition ‘Christian Lacroix: Histoires de Mode’ at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris, worked on an exhibition for Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie d’Arles in the Summer and exhibited his work shot between 2002 and 2006 at the Atelier de Mecanique in the Parc des Ateliers in August.
source: galeriechateaudeau
Photographe français indépendant, Grégoire Alexandre est né en 1972. Il a réalisé des études à l’Ecole nationale supérieure de la photographie à Arles. Il a choisi le champ de la photographie utilitaire et partage son temps entre Paris et New-york où il réalise des travaux pour des publications diverses en mode, en design ou pour la publicité.
source: mask9
亚历山大·格里高利(Alexandre Grégoire)在媒体上十分活跃(WallPaper*, Vanity Fair, Libération, Beaux Arts Magazine);他在广告界的名声也颇为响亮,为很多国际知名公司拍摄广告作品。他的照片具有极高的美学价值,洗印的技术又十分老到,所以成了尽人皆知的人像摄影师。
source: lookatmeru
Grégoire Alexandre, французский фотограф, в основном работающий в рекламе, предпочитает отдавать заказчику яркие и эффектные работы.
У него всегда полно неожиданных идей. Он может создать у себя в студии целый мир из огромных оригами, подвесить в воздухе мебель или создать креативные декорации из простых вещей, что смотрится очень стильно и оригинально.
source: wearesharing
「理想並不存在於現實世界,而是存在於我們的概念與想像之中。」法籍攝影師Gregoire Alexandre將Antonio Citterio設計的「EL」椅子,以纜線滑軌吊掛,利用椅子的四角造型與繩線交錯,創作出幾何造型高高懸掛,以裝置藝術般呈現,有意地利用垂吊巧改變對椅子的印象,已經改變了物與空間的比例,達到某種視覺上的強調和暗示,進行空間的變形,壓縮多重空間的畫面組合,成了一組極有抽象意味的造型,來達到空間藝術表現性目的。這種組合的藝術韻味帶給人一個複合的視象,使畫面資訊在同一欣賞時間內感受到不同空間的變化所展現的立體化、多元化。
Grégoire Alexandre
法國當代攝影新瑞Grégoire Alexandre出生於諾曼第,目前居住在巴黎,攝影風格從預先設置好再從現實中獲取靈感和資訊。他的作品涵蓋從商業廣告到藝術創作,他的作品宛如一座大幅的裝置藝術,畫面裡的三維空間都變成二維的平面,任由他拼貼分割,創造視覺與認知的張力,製作了許多神奇的場景組合來輔助完成這些創作影像。