
Gilles AZZARO – Voice Sculptor

질 아자로



source: highlike

Work: This monumental 3D Printed sculpture is the three-dimensional materialisation of President Obama’s voiceprint. The 3D voiceprint portrays an extract of President Obama’s February 2013 State of the Union Address. It represents the materialisation of the very thoughts and words of the President of the USA. The sculpture is interactive. A movement sensor activates the system and a laser beam scans the 3D recording to reveal the President’s words and message. The work was printed using a 3D desktop printer and the housing designed by Patrick SARRAN.

Print Data; Weight: 6 kgs. Recording Time: 39 seconds. Dimensions: Length: 151cm, Width: 16,1cm, Height: 15cm. Overall Dimensions: Length: 172 cm, Width: 40 cm, Height: 57.4 cm. Print time: 350 hours.

Original speech: State of the Union Address (February 12, 2013):

“A once-shuttered warehouse is now a state-of-the art lab where new workers are mastering the 3D printing that has the potential to revolutionize the way we make almost everything. There’s no reason this can’t happen in other towns. So tonight, I’m announcing the launch of three more of these manufacturing hubs, where businesses will partner with the Departments of Defense and Energy to turn regions left behind by globalization into global centers of high-tech jobs. And I ask this Congress to help create a network of fifteen of these hubs and guarantee that the next revolution in manufacturing is Made in America. We can get that done.”
Photographer: Kenyon Manchego/Open Studio
source: gillesazzaro

Gilles AZZARO est un artiste numérique né à Casablanca en 1966.

Son travail est principalement axé sur la voix, qu’il traite en trois dimensions en utilisant toutes les dernières technologies numériques.

Il se définit lui-même comme étant sculpteur de voix. Gilles AZZARO est un artiste visiosonique, dévoilant l’invisible en magnifiant les voix en de véritables paysages lunaires.

Originellement musicien, il joue de la batterie et rejoint à l’âge de 17 ans MidiDrum System à Carcassonne pour lequel il collabore au développement des toutes premières batteries électroniques.

En 1992, il obtient un diplôme de 3ème cycle à l’Université de Toulouse: Initiatives Culturelles & Nouvelles technologies de la Création.

En 1993, il intègre l’IRCAM et donne une conférence sur ses travaux de recherches sur les capteurs MIDI.

C’est aussi à cette période où il s’interroge sur l’invisibilité du son et de son déplacement dans l’espace.

Gilles AZZARO est interpellé par les sons et se met en quête de pouvoir les matérialiser et d’en interpréter leurs formes.

Ce projet totalement conceptuel prend forme et, en 2006, il lui est délivré le brevet d’invention « Matérialisation Tridimensionnelle en Déplacement de Formes Sonores / et ou Vidéo dans l’Espace ».

Il crée les premiers bijoux contenant des enregistrements audio visibles au cœur de pierres précieuses présentés aux acteurs de la Haute Joaillerie de la Place Vendôme.

Il crée aussi des projets de bâtiments réalisés à partir d’empreintes vocales générées par son brevet.

Parallèlement à ses activités artistiques, il participe activement à Toulouse au développement du premier FabLab créé en France (Artilect – lieu de coproduction et de mutualisation de machines numériques).

En 2011, il crée sa première Exposition « Regards d’Eclat de Voix » – peintures numériques sur toile contenant les enregistrements audio de phrases de personnalités ayant marqué les XX ème et XXI ème siècles.

Cette exposition est interactive et permet au visiteur d’entendre les phrases représentées en 3D sur la toile sur son téléphone mobile ou sa tablette et a été présentée au Festival de Cannes et au 104 à Paris.

Il ajoute à cette exposition une première sculpture de voix diffusant une phrase issue de ses travaux de recherche: ” Pas une personne ne chante comme une autre, on peut comparer la voix aux empreintes digitales”.

Sélectionné pour le 3D Printshow, il crée une nouvelle sculpture d’une empreinte vocale qui sera dévoilée pour la première fois le 7 novembre 2013 à Londres, puis sera exposée à Paris et New York en 2014.
source: gillesazzaro

Gilles AZZARO is a French digital artist born in 1966 in Casablanca.

To better define his work, he created the profession of “Sculpteur de Voix” (voice sculptor).

His works principally involve the three-dimensional materialization of voices and their audio reproduction.

Using cutting edge technologies he reveals the forms of the invisible, transforming and magnifying them into truly amazing lunar-like landscapes.

Gilles started out as a drummer and at the age of 17 he integrated MidiDrum System in Carcassonne (France) and worked on the development of the first digital drum machines.

In 1992 he completed his postgraduate studies at the University of Toulouse: Initiatives Culturelles & Nouvelles Technologies de la Création. In 1993, he entered the IRCAM institute for science about music and sound where he gave a talk on his research into MIDI sensors.

At the same time he began investigating the invisibility of sound and how sound moves through space.
Gilles AZZARO set out to devise a system for materializing sound as if sound was in fact visible. The project intensified and in 2006, Gilles received the IP “Matérialisation Tridimensionnelle en Déplacement de Formes Sonores / et ou Vidéo dans l’Espace”.

In 2006, he produced his first works, a line of jewelry incorporating laser engravings of 3D audio recordings.

In 2007, he thought up a new architectural concept whereby the shapes of buildings are determined by voice prints: words and phrases can design buildings, districts and towns..

While working on his artistic creations, he is also a member of the board and actively involved in the development of Artilect, France’s very first FabLab in Toulouse in partnership with the MIT (for joint projects and the pooling of digital equipment)

In 2011, he organized his first exhibition “The Vision of a Sparkling Voice” – a collection of digital works containing audio recordings of phrases spoken by leading figures of the 20 th and 21 st centuries. The exhibition is interactive and by scanning the paintings, visitors hear the voices and follow the progression of the 3D representation of the voices on their smartphones.

The exhibition was displayed at the 2012 Cannes Film Festival and the 104 gallery in Paris following a request made by the arts and culture Pompidou Centre.

In 2012 he also created his first voice sculpture withholding the words that are the basis to his research activities: “Pas une personne ne chante comme une autre, on peut comparer la voix aux empreintes digitales” (no one person sings like another, a voice is like a fingerprint).

Selected for 3D Printshow, it creates a new sculpture of a voiceprint to be unveiled for the first time November 7, 2013 in London, and will be exhibited in Paris and New York in 2014.
source: 3dprinting

Gilles Azzaro, a French digital artist exposed his latest work at the 3D Printshow in London last week. The voice sculpture print: Barack Obama – Next Industrial Revolution. This 3D printed sculpture is the three-dimensional materialisation of President Obama’s voiceprint. The 3D voiceprint portrays an extract of President Obama’s February 2013 State of the Union Address. What makes the sculpture even more interesting is that it is interactive. A movement sensor activates the system and a laser beam scans the 3D recording to reveal the original message. The beautiful housing of this work is designed by Patrick Sarran.
source: makerbotcn

美国总统奥巴马在演讲中所说的““新工业革命”的声音被法国数字艺术家Gilles Azzaro 记录和3D打印出来了,他在2013年11月7日的伦敦3D打印展示会上展示了这一作品。Gilles Azzaro的工作包括把声音变成3D模型制作出来和一种视频的特殊复制。他采用了最先进的技术把看不到的声音转化和放大成像月球表面一样的地貌模型。为了更好的定义他的作品,他创造的一个新词叫作“声音雕刻。Azzaro根据39秒时间长的记录,一束同步的激光束扫描这个声音浮雕,每个声音上的细微差别都被很准确的记录下来,然后通过一台桌面3D打印机打印出来了。这个过程是与一位名叫Patrick Sarran的设计师一起通力完成的。整个雕塑重达6公斤,长151cm,宽16.1cm,高15cm。这个3D打印的雕塑会在11月15——16号的巴黎3D打印展览会和2014年2月的纽约展览会上展示出来。
source: plughanicokr

요즘 가장 주목받고 있는 미래 기술 중 하나인 3D 프린팅이 또 한번 깜짝쇼를 펼쳤습니다.
버락 오바마 미국 대통령의 목소리를 3D 프린팅을 통해 입체물로 표현한 작품이 최근 선을 보였습니다. 프랑스의 디지털 아티스트인 질 아자로(Gilles Azzaro)가 지난 7일 영국 런던에서 열린 3D 프린트쇼에서 공개한 것인데요, 작품의 제목은 ‘신산업혁명’(New industrial revolution)입니다. 오바마 대통령은 올해 연두교서에서 3D 프린팅에 대해 “제조업의 혁명을 가져다 줄 잠재력을 지닌 기술”이라며 큰 기대감을 표시한 바 있는데, 이 연설 내용을 작품 대상으로 삼은 것같습니다.

기존 엘피(LP) 레코드판이 2차원적 표현이라면 아자로의 이 작품은 음성을 3차원의 물질을 통해 재생하는 것입니다. 동영상을 보면 39초 동안 레이저 빔이 울퉁불퉁한 음성 프린트의 곡면들을 스캔하면서 오바마 대통령의 목소리를 재현해냅니다. 그의 작업을 뭐라고 정의하면 좋을까요. 대중의 관심을 끌기 위한 일회성 이벤트로 보면 될까요. 혹시 목소리조각이라는 새로운 미래 직업, 혹은 예술 장르의 탄생을 알리는 신호탄은 아닐까요. 아자르 본인은 자신의 홈페이지에서 자신을 ‘목소리 조각가’라고 이름붙였습니다.