the zoo
source: highlike
Photographer: Lara Zankoul
source: larazankoul
Born in Lebanon in 1987, Lara Zankoul graduated from the American University of Beirut with a Masters in Economics. Zankoul was born photographically in 2008. Driven by passion, she taught herself photography and started an enriching journey in the artistic field. During 2009, she completed her 365 project, a personal mission in which she committed on taking a picture every day in a row for a year. She has participated in several local and international collective exhibitions such as the ‘Women’s Art Exhibition’ in Art Lounge Lebanon in 2011 and the 3rd edition of the Festival Photomed in the South of France in 2013. Part of the Shabab Ayyam incubator programme, she was an award recipient at the 2011 Shabab Ayyam Photography Competition. In her solo show in Ayyam Gallery in January 2013, she presented for the first time, her cinematographic work, which was auctioned in April 2013 at Christie’s Dubai.
Zankoul’s practice of fine arts photography primarily appeared as a need to escape the binding life of the cubicle during her first full-time job. This need to evade reality was translated in her imagery: her compositions are contemporary fairy tales, which explore the charm and mystery of the human psyche. Whimsical and playful, they represent an attempt to invent new worlds, to push against the boundaries of our reality and escape the monotony of everyday life. The characters inhabiting Zankoul’s work are anonymous and timeless, universal symbols existing within a fantastical and surreal landscape.
source: cuded
Lara Zankoul is a Lebanon-born artist graduated from the American University of Beirut with a Masters in Economics. In 2008, she started her journey in the photographic art.
Processed with photo-manipulation technique, The characters captured in Zankoul’s work are anonymous and timeless, universal symbols existing within a fantastical and surreal landscape.
source: kaiaktw
Lara Zankoul 是黎巴嫩出生的藝術家,畢業於 American University of Beirut 的經濟學碩士,因為無法放下對藝術的熱情,2008 年畢業後她開始了攝影藝術的旅程,面對繁忙不已的全職工作,想像力是她暫時逃離現實的工具,以童話故事般的圖像語言、超現實的符號完成她內心的夢幻境地,彷彿看到了愛麗絲夢遊仙境裡的種種場景,她希望作品能讓觀者投射出內心埋藏已久的童年回憶。
source: daily-joyfr
Lara Zankoul est une jeune photographe autoditacte originaire du Liban.
Passionnée par les jolies histoires et les mises en scène originales, elle peint un univers onirique empli de mystère. En 2009 Lara se met au défi de faire une photo par jour pendant un an. C’est à travers ce projet qu’elle s’intéresse à la photo conceptuelle. Ses photos créatives aux airs de polaroid font référence à l’enfance, aux souvenirs. On remarque différentes influences surréalistes et absurdes comme Margitte, Dali, Tim Burton ou encore Annie Leibowitz.
source: designbrain
Lara Zankou é uma artísta do Líbano formada na Universidade Americana de Beirut e com mestrado em economia. Por mais que sua profissão de formação não seja nada criativa, Lara Zankoul começou sua jornada na arte fotografando pessoas ao redor de sua casa.
Lara processou uma técnica de foto manipulacão para realizar as fotos da galeria que separamos, as pessoas capturadas na obra são pessoas anônimas que a artísta encontrou em suas viagens, assim, Lara manipulou as imagens deixando com um estilo muito surreal e sombrio.
source: dayeventsru
Сюрреалистичные фотографии, Lara Zankoul
Лара Занкоул ливанская художница, окончила Американский университет в Бейруте, получила магистра в области экономики. В 2008 году она начала свое путешествие в фотографическом искусстве.