Visualizing Music
source: masainaba
Music is a powerful, emotional medium that is much more difficult to quantify than, say, financial data or earthquake patterns. This project is an experiment in taking an audio recording of music that is beautiful and personally meaningful to many listeners, deconstructing it from different vantage points, rearranging it, and building it up again into visual interpretations. This project visualizes lyrics, instrumentation, notes, patterns, and word usage. Hopefully these interpretations will provide another way of experiencing this album, although no amount of analysis can adequately represent the visceral response one gets when presented with a compelling piece of music.
source: jaxdeleon
Each square on the grid represents one second of the entire album. Each row makes up one minute and adds up to 1 hour, 14 minutes and 13 seconds. Colored squares indicate the subject of the lyrics being sung during each second, while gray squares indicate when there are only instrumentals and no lyrics are being sung. Multiple voices sung simultaneously are indicated by splitting up the square into sections. Other marks indicate back-up singers and non-word vocals such as “ooh” and “ahh.” Note: All information is approximate.
source: trendsnownet
Le designer graphique Jax de Leon a étudié l’album de musique Illinois, de Sufjan Stevens, sous toutes ses notes pour proposer différentes manières de visualiser la musique. Un travail intéressant qui vaut le détour !
L’artiste expose différentes façons de percevoir la musique visuellement; sous formes de cercles par exemple. Chaque cercle représente un son différent qui correspond à un mot ; plus le mot apparait, plus le cercle est large.
Autre représentation sous forme de grille qui analyse le sujet des paroles de la chanson à chaque seconde. Les parties colorées correspondent à un sujet particulier alors que les parties grises font référence à la partie instrumentale.
Par la suite, il a représenté la fréquence d’apparition d’une note dans chaque morceau, plus la note de musique est présente, plus le pic est grand.
Manière plus simple cette fois-ci, en représentant l’ensemble des instruments qui constituent l’album.
Description originale
This project is an experiment in taking an audio recording of music that is beautiful and personally meaningful to many listeners, deconstructing it from different vantage points, rearranging it, and building it up again into visual interpretations. This project visualizes lyrics, instrumentation, notes, patterns, and word usage.