Nested Skyscraper
source: archdaily
The third place was awarded to Ryohei Koike and Jarod Poenisch, from the United States, for their project ‘Nested Skyscraper’ that explores robotic construction techniques for a novel structure of carbon sleeves and fiber-laced concrete. The building is a system of multiple layers of composite louvers which thicken and rotate according to solar exposure, ventilation, and materials performance.
source: concursosdeprojetoorg
” Este projeto, intitulado ‘Nested Skyscraper’, se adapta a condições climáticas, urbanas e programáticas com o uso de materiais avançados e construção robotizada. Sua forma e método de construção derivam de soluções de alta tecnologia que combinam aço, concreto a telas em fibras de carbono. O edifício é coberto por múltiplas camadas que se adaptam de acordo com a exposição ao vento e ao sol.
A construção é feita a partir de uma série de robôs que combinam a malha de fibra de carbono ao concreto, lançado em jatos, criando uma estrutura primária, que é complementada por uma estrutura composta por uma malha de aço. O resultadose assemelha a um ‘ninho’, em uma combinação de elementos estruturais de compressão e de tensão.”
source: urbanityes
El tercer premio es para los estadounidenses Ryohei Koike y Jarod Poenisch, por su proyecto de “Rascacielos anidado”, consistente en un cuerpo central rotatorio para adaptarse a los cambios de luz y viento, y una cobertura exterior a modo de capullo de seda o similar.
source: focusit
Con i grattacieli “vecchio stile” questo groviglio di fibre di carbonio ha ben poco a che fare. Agile e flessibile, resistente a venti, terremoti e altri cataclismi naturali l’edificio – che si è piazzato dritto al terzo posto – somiglia a una fitta ragnatela multistrato, tenuta in tensione da una sottile struttura fissa. La costruzione progettata da due architetti statunitensi, è stata pensata per sorgere a Tokyo, una città ad alto rischio sismico.
source: phenomenox
american architects ryohei koike and jarod poenisch received third place at
the 2010 skyscraper competition hosted by evolo magazine for their proposal of ‘nested’ skyscraper.
today the city bombards individuals with buzzing electronic media and a never-ending sea of concrete structures. koike and poenisch wanted to deviate from these rigid forms in their proposal. the ‘nested’ skyscraper design gives the appearance of weightless and fragile structure that can adapt to climatic, urban and programmatic conditions with the use of advanced materials and robotic constructions. ‘nested’ skyscraper seeks to blur the distinctions between interior and exterior, working with the surrounding nature to bring users closer to the exterior landscape.
source: designboom
projected to be situated in tokyo, the architects observed that this location is known for
its extreme climate changes, densities, earthquakes and flows. ‘nested’ skyscraper looks
to counteract these extremes with lightness, flexibility and transparency. using primarily
composite materials and a dual layer fascade composed of ETFE (ethylene tetrafluoroethylene),
the entire building can be lightweight and flexible, while the construction process uses far
less energy. the materials offer a high degree of transparency by capturing natural light.
the facade is composed of multiple layers of EFTE strips which thicken and grow in density
according to solar exposure, minimizing the amount of material used but maximizing
their performance. the building acts as a series of nests that stretch between and around
compressive elements as the vertical circulation wraps around and pierces through
the entire project. together the materials and volumes create a hybrid relationship between
compressive and tension elements, public and private spaces, and static and dynamic forms.
source: giznetpl
Oto „zagnieżdżony wieżowiec” – koncepcyjny projekt budynku, który ma być wyjątkowo wytrzymały na trzęsienia ziemi i inne katastrofy naturalne. Ale najciekawsze jest w nim to, że jego budowa wymaga robotów.
Konstrukcja wygląda na raczej delikatną, ale twórcy budynku, Ryohei Koike i Jarod Poenisch twierdzą, że to solidna budowla, która zniesie naprawdę dużo. Budowa tego wieżowca wymaga zestawu robotów. Jedne mają rozciągać sieć węglowych tulei powlekanych koronką z betonu. Druga grupa robotów będzie umieszczała strukturę w stalowej siatce, która pozwoli na jej ruchy poprzeczne i której gęstość może być dostosowana w zależności od potrzeb.
source: grattecielpassion
le troisième prix a été délivré aux Américains Ryohei Koike and Jarod Poenisch pour leur projet Nested Skyscraper in Tokyo basé sur des techniques de construction robotisées offrant de nouvelles opportunités pour les enveloppes des bâtiments notamment au niveau environnemental. Ce Gratte-ciel nid à Tokyo s’adapte au climat et à l’urbanisme grâce à des techniques avancées de construction robotisées et des matériaux propres.
source: articleyeeyanorg
等奖被授予来自美国的 Ryohei Koike 和Jarod Poenisch提交的设计方案“巢”。方案探索了机器人建造技术用以实现一个由碳纤维巢形表皮和纤维混凝土构成的新型结构。整个建筑是一个复合百叶组成的多层表皮系统,这些百叶可旋转和变厚以适应不同的日照强度、通风要求和材料性能。