

Silk Pavilion

source: mediamitedu

Designer Neri Oxman is the Sony Corporation Career Development and assistant professor of Media Arts and Sciences at the MIT Media Lab, where she founded and directs the Mediated Matter research group. Her group explores how digital design and fabrication technologies mediate between matter and environment to radically transform the design and construction of objects, buildings, and systems. Oxman coined the term “material ecology” to describe the study and design of products and processes integrating environmentally aware, computational, form-generation processes and digital fabrication. Her goal is to enhance the relationship between the built and the natural environments by employing design principles inspired by nature, and implementing them in the invention of novel digital design technologies. Areas of application include product and architectural design, as well as digital fabrication and construction.

Oxman was named to ICON’s list of the 20 most influential architects to shape our future (2009), and was selected as one of the “100 most creative people” by Fast Company (2009). In 2008, she was named “Revolutionary Mind” by SEED Magazine. Her work has been exhibited at MoMA (NYC) and is part of the museum’s permanent collection. In 2012 the Centre Georges Pompidou Museum (Paris, France) acquired her works for its permanent collection. Other exhibitions include the Smithsonian Institute (Washington, DC), Museum of Science (Boston, MA), FRAC Collection (Orleans, France), and the 2010 Beijing Biennale. She is included in prestigious private collections and has received numerous awards including a 40 Under 40 Building Design + Construction Award (2012), a Graham Foundation Carter Manny Award (2008), the International Earth Award for Future-Crucial Design (2009), and a METROPOLIS Next Generation Award (2009).

Neri Oxman received her PhD in design computation as a Presidential Fellow at MIT, where she developed the theory and practice of material-based design computation. In this approach, the shaping of material structure is conceived of as a novel form of computation. Prior to studying at MIT, she earned her diploma from the Architectural Association (RIBA 2) after attending the Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning at the Technion Israel Institute of Technology, and the Department of Medical Sciences at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
source: mediamitedu

The Mediated Matter group is dedicated to the development and application of novel processes that enable and support the design of physical matter, and its adaptability to environmental conditions in the creation of form. Our research integrates computational form-finding strategies with biologically inspired fabrication. This enables mediating synergies between objects and environment; between humans and objects; and between humans and environment. Our goal is to enhance the relation between natural and man-made environments by achieving high degrees of design customization and versatility, environmental performance integration, and material efficiency. We seek to establish new forms of design and novel processes of material practice at the intersection of computer science, material engineering, design and ecology, with broad applications across multiple scales.
source: xyzist

지난 3월, MIT는 누에가 실크로 고치를 만들어 내는 것에서 착안해 3D 프린터로 파빌리온을 만드는 프로젝트를 발표했습니다. 인류가 3D 프린팅 기술을 사용하기 이전부터 이미 누에들은 오랫동안 자신들의 거주환경을 3D 프린팅해왔죠. 이제 MIT 미디어 랩의 연구진들이 미리 정의한 영역에 누에를 이용해 실크를 도출해내는 방법을 알아낸 것입니다. 이 계획은 MIT의 네리 옥스만(Neri Oxman)에 의해 진행되고 있는데요. 이 프로젝트는 누에가 실크로 짜낸 고치로부터 실크 섬유의 제조, 디자인의 가능성을 탐구합니다. 기본 구조는 CNC 머신을 이용해 실크 실로 26각 형을 만들었습니다. 전체적인 형상은 누에가 고치를 만들 때의 실크 실로 짜낸 패치 밀도에 대한 알고리즘을 관찰해 만든 것이라고 합니다. 이렇게 만든 기본 26각 형틀에 6,500마리의 누에들을 올려 놓으니 나머지 빈 공간을 누에들이 직접 짜낸 실크 실로 채워 넣게 되는 군요. 이렇게 해서 거대한 누에 고치가 만들어 졌습니다. 그리고 시간이 흘러 누에들은 번데기가 되고 그 후 생긴 나방들이 150만개의 알을 낳고, 250개의 고치가 추가되었다네요. 이 누에 3D 프린터는 다중 축 가공을 이용해 미세한 구조의 기계적, 물리적 특성을 제어함으로써 실크 기반 제조와 디자인에 대한 새로운 접근 방식을 모색해볼 수 있다고 합니다. 창의적이고 유익한 프로젝트입니다.
source: cunicode

The Silk Pavilion explores the relationship between digital and biological fabrication on product and architectural scales.The primary structure was created of 26 polygonal panels made of silk threads laid down by a CNC (Computer-Numerically Controlled) machine. Inspired by the silkworm’s ability to generate a 3D cocoon out of a single multi-property silk thread (1km in length), the overall geometry of the pavilion was created using an algorithm that assigns a single continuous thread across patches providing various degrees of density.
source: robohub

The Mediated Matter Group within the MIT Media Lab, is dedicated to the development and application of novel processes that enable and support the design of physical matter, and its adaptability to environmental conditions in the creation of form. One of their projects, CNSILK: Computer Numerically Controlled Silk Cocoon Construction, explores the design and fabrication potential of silk fibers—inspired by silkworm cocoons—for the construction of woven habitats. While the material being applied in the above video may not be silk, the principles being applied to wrapping it around the interior of a tension-providing frame remain the same.
source: vimeo

The Mediated Matter group focuses on biologically inspired design fabrication tools and technologies aiming to enhance the relation between natural and man-made environments. Our research integrates computational form-finding strategies with biologically inspired fabrication. This enables mediating synergies between objects and environment; between humans and objects; and between humans and environment. Our goal is to enhance the relation between natural and man-made environments by achieving high degrees of design customization and versatility, environmental performance integration, and material efficiency. We seek to establish new forms of design and novel processes of material practice at the intersection of computer science, material engineering, design and ecology, with broad applications across multiple scales..
source: ideafixa

Visando explorar a conexão entre fabricação digital e biológica, o grupo de pesquisa Mediated Matter do MIT Media Lab estudou o comportamento dos bichos de seda e produziu uma máquina que, com o auxílio de 6.500 desses insetos, cria uma estrutura geodésica. A geometria da base da estrutura foi desenvolvida baseada num algoritmo influenciado pela habilidade do bicho de seda em gerar um casulo tridimensional. Os bichos, além de inspiração, foram utilizados para gerar uma segunda camada, que reforça a estrutura de escala arquitetônica.
source: 3minovacao

Conhecida pelos projetos de design que reúnem o mundo natural e a tecnologia digital, Neri Oxman, da MIT Media Lab, virou-se mais uma vez para a natureza em busca de inspiração arquitetônica. Tendo como foco o esqueleto humano, Oxman está usando seu projeto estrutural para informar um novo tipo de processo de construção com a impressão 3D onde a densidade varia de acordo com a carga para criar estruturas mais fortes e eficientes.

A chave aqui é que os ossos são uma parte particularmente forte e resistente da nossa anatomia, capaz de suportar uma quantidade substancial de peso. Recolhendo os princípios de design da natureza e da biologia, a equipe de estudantes de pós-graduação orientadas por Oxman, vem desenvolvendo novas ideias sobre a concepção e construção de objetos, edifícios e sistemas com a fabricação digital e inovação em 3D.

O grupo de pesquisa liderado por ela – The Mediatte Matter – reúne estudantes de pós-graduação que dedicam-se ao desenvolvimento e aplicação de novos processos que possibilitam apoiar uma melhor concepção do design na matéria física, para adaptar a criação de acordo com as condições ambientais. Cada um de seus alunos tem como tarefa explorar um sistema biológico e combiná-lo com uma tecnologia de fabricação digital existente, como o controle numérico de computador e impressoras 3D: as aranhas usam cerca de oito tipos de propriedades da seda para diferentes funções. É como uma impressora 3D multimaterial – disse Oxman à revista Wired.

A pesquisa integra sistemas computacionais e biologia como forma de encontrar estratégias de construção. Isto permite mediar sinergias entre objetos e o ambiente, entre seres humanos e objetos, e entre os seres humanos e o meio ambiente. De acordo com Oxman, o objetivo dos estudos são para estabelecer novas formas de design e novos processos de prática material no cruzamento da informática material de design, engenharia e ecologia, com amplas aplicações e em múltiplas escalas.