

Drawing Apparatus

Robert Howsare

source: highlike

Work: Situating itself across disciplines, the Drawing Apparatus asks us to reconsider our own notions of performance, drawing and printmaking. Serving as indexical marks of time, the drawings become documentation of the performance, reminding the viewer of the mechanisms and sounds of the apparatus at work.
Photographer: Robert Howsare
source: roberthowsare

A recipient of a 2012-2013 Charlotte Street Foundation Urban Culture Project Studio Residency, Robert Howsare is an interdisciplinary artist who utilizes nontraditional printmaking matrices and processes to explore the anomalies that occur within systems. He received his BFA in printmaking in 2009 from the Kansas City Art Institute and graduated with an MFA in printmaking from Ohio University in 2012. His work has been exhibited nationally and internationally; selected venues include the Grand Rapids Art Museum, the Austrian Cultural Forum of New York, and the International Print Center of New York. Additionally, Howsare’s work has been recognized by WIRED Magazine, Abitare International Design Magazine, HOW, and other publications.

Drawing Apparatus challenges our notions of drawing, printmaking, and performance. The drawings become documentation of the performance, reminding the viewer of the mechanisms and sounds of the apparatus at work. Printmaking’s ability to create multiples of an image is also referenced in its ability to replicate the designs it creates. Drawing Apparatus situates itself across disciplines and asks us to reconsider our own notions of performance, drawing and printmaking.
source: thecitylovesyou

De alguna manera los elementos cotidianos siempre nos pueden sorprender. Pareciera ser que la creatividad que podemos encontrar en estos elementos radica en que tan creativos seamos nosotros al utilizarlos.

Para muchos DJ’s la utilización de una tornamesa ya no es tan necesario como lo era hace algunos años. Sin embargo, este objeto para muchos representa algo asombroso pero a la vez cotidiano y cuya observación llevó al artista Robert Howsare a crear una representación poco vista por muchos. A través de los movimientos de dos discos que giran con diferentes revoluciones, Howsare logra realizar una imagen de como se ven estos movimientos con un mecanismo sencillo.

Con este invento, pareciera ser que el éxito de algunos inventos radica en la relación proporcional que existen entre la sencillez de los objetos y la creatividad de los humanos.
source: toutvertfr

Ou l’art de recycler les objets du quotidien… Robert Howsare, étudiant à l’université de l’Ohio est à l’origine de cette installation unique et géniale ! Tel un spirographe, le concepteur a eu l’idée de raccorder deux bras télescopiques en bois à chacune des deux platines vinyles. Un feutre à l’extrémité des bras et une feuille placée dessous sont les derniers préparatifs. Le tour est joué !

Jouant sur la durée des disques, la vitesse de rotation des platines, ou encore la longueur des bras, l’installation est capable de créer des compositions uniques de parfaites ellipses presque à l’infini. Le pouvoir hypnotique de l’installation Drawing Apparatus nous invite ainsi à réfléchir à ce que l’on voit au-delà de ses matériaux de construction.
source: ignantde

Der ‘Drawing Apparatus’ von Robert Howsare ist eine vollautomatische Zeichenmaschine, die von zwei Plattenspielern betrieben wird. Die Bilder die dabei entstehen, rufen Erinnerungen aus der Kindheit wach, als man noch mit Kreisschablonen die unterschiedlichsten Muster gezeichnet hat.

‘The revolution of the records create drawings that serve as a markers of temporality. The drawings also speak to the idea of the editionable print through their ability to be replicated using domestic materials.’
source: momentmag

Robert Howsare criou este aparelho que produz desenhos a partir da rotação de dois gira-discos. Este “Drawing Apparatus” é uma ideia simples mas que resulta em obras com efeitos e formas muito interessantes. Vejam a máquina em ação no vídeo que se segue.
source: themethodcase

Design is a task that takes place surrounded by many other factors. In most cases the designer tries to take care of every detail so nothing can spoil the final result.

On this basis, Robert Howsare plays with the arbitrary factor to create an exquisite collection of posters. As a tool; Drawing apparatus: The system is simple as well as effective. Consists of two articulated wooden arms, which are connected to a disk player. Thereby, the rotation leads the arm with a marker to different drawing patterns. Changing variables as the length of the arm or the disk’s speed create different shapes. Pure lines full of interesting styling.

At The Method Case we specially like Robert’s point of view. He does not just see it as a way of creating unique drawings. For Robert, the revolution of the records creates drawings that serve as a marker of temporality. The drawings also speak to the idea of the editionable print through their ability to be replicated using domestic materials. Maybe not revolutionary but authentic design process. We wish you like it.
source: designwork-s

複雑な構成の図形を人の手によって描くには、時間と綿密な計算が必要になってくるもの。誰でも簡単に描けるわけではありません。そんな中今回は、機械を使って美しい図形を描くことができる「Drawing Apparatus」を紹介したいと思います。 用意された2つのレコード盤に取り付けられた、木の腕のような役割を果たすパーツの先にペンが備え付けられており、レコードを回すことで図形がすらすらと描かれていきます。


