

아시프 칸/
Асиф хан


source: blogartinfo

On the surface of Russian telecom operator MegaFon’s Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics Pavilion, British architect Asif Khan and the engineers of iart are installing what they call a “Mount Rushmore of the digital age”: “MegaFaces,” a kinetic façade of lights and actuators that continuously protrude and recede to depict visitors faces, large-scale and in 3D. Visitors are invited to have their portrait taken in a 3D booth engineered to capture five different angles of their faces; those images are then converted to single monumental, ephemeral sculptures. They’ll endure for 20 seconds before morphing into the faces of others. Khan demonstrated his knack for developing high-tech, interactive corporate commissions during the London Olympics as well. In 2012, he, structural engineers AKT II, and fellow London architect Pernilla Ohrstedt developed the Coca-Cola Beatbox Pavilion, a structure nestled within a network of percussive red and white panels programmed to play “rhythmical sport sounds” — heartbeats, squeaking shoes, and more, according to Building Design — at a user’s touch.
source: dezeen

Over 170,000 visitors to this year’s Sochi Winter Olympics will be able to have their faces scanned and recreated on the facade of a building as part of an installation by London designer Asif Khan.

MegaFaces installation by Asif Khan

Named MegaFaces and dubbed the “Mount Rushmore of the digital age”, Asif Khan’s facade is designed to function like a huge pin screen where narrow tubes move in and out, transforming a flat facade into an interactive three-dimensional surface capable of morphing into the shape of any face.

The facade will display up to three eight-metre-high faces at a time for a period of 20 seconds each, and anyone visiting the games will be able to participate by visiting a 3D photo booth and having their face digitally scanned. Five photographs will be taken of each participant’s face from different angles, before being assembled into a single 3D image.

MegaFaces installation by Asif Khan

After a scan has been made, the 3D image will be fed through to a engine and cable system attached to over 10,000 narrow cylinders, called actuators, that can extended out to lengths of up to two metres to recreate the shape of the face.

Each actuator will have an RGB-LED light at its tip, making it possible to precisely calculate the position of every pixel.

MegaFaces installation by Asif Khan

A fabric membrane is to be stretched over the facade to give a smooth surface to the changing forms, and the actuators beneath will be laid out on a triagonal grid to disguise junctions between pixels.

“In the area of a three-dimensional modelling of organic forms a trigonal structure is more suitable, because it makes three-dimensional forms appear natural and flowing even with only a small amount of pixels,” said Valentin Spiess, the chief engineer on the project.

MegaFaces installation by Asif Khan
Process diagram – click for larger image
The system will take approximately one minute to calculate a three-dimensional model from the five individual pictures taken.

“The difficulty in our case was the development of a system that would meet all the requirements of the project in relation to speed, usability and image quality,” said Spiess.

“We couldn’t ask people to sit still for a whole minute and have themselves 3D laser scanned. The process needed to be as fast and simple as using a commercial photo booth,” he explained.

MegaFaces installation by Asif Khan
Section – click for larger image
Images will be queued up on a digital scheduler and users will be informed what time to expect their face on the wall. Each participant will also be emailed a personal 20-second video so they can relive the moment.

MegaFaces will be installed on the facade of a temporary pavilion belonging to Russian telecom operator MegaFon and will remain in place for the duration of the Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games in Sochi, Russia.
source: asif-khan

Asif studied for his architecture degree at the Bartlett School, University College London, graduating in 2004 as the top student in the faculty and receiving a feature in the Architects’ Journal. He was awarded a full scholarship to attend the Architectural Association. In 2007 Building Design Magazine profiled him as one of the 10 best graduating architects in the UK.
In 2010, Asif earned a prestigious ‘Designer in Residence’ slot at the Design Museum – the first architect ever to be given that honour. Asif was awarded ‘Designer of the Future’ by Design Miami in 2011, and written-up in the New York Times as one of Five Designers to Watch in 2011. In 2012 Asif went on to design Coca-Cola’s pavilion within the London Olympic Park. It was the first time in Coca-Cola’s history that the global brand had commissioned a feature Olympic showcase with the absence of a single Coke logo on it.
source: designlargeblogautore

Valentin Spiess di iart, spiega come funziona il sistema. «Dietro il telone ci sono più di 10mila cilindri telescopici estensibili, sormontati da una sfera con il LED colorato. Quando la persona da ritrarre entra nel gabbiotto per il selfie, vengono scattate 5 immagini che un computer assembla in un rendering 3D. Una volta terminato il disegno, le informazioni vengono inviate al sistema che regola il posizionamento dei cilindri telescopici che si mettono nella posizione giusta per far apparire il viso prescelto». Il sistema è stato costruito in modo da poter essere riutilizzato. Come una specie di Mount Rushmore mobile e per tutti.
source: promostyl

間もなく開催されるソチオリンピックの会場でロンドンのデザイナーAsif Khanが展開するインスタレーション「Mount Rushmore of the digital age」が話題になりそうです。訪れた人は自分の顔をスキャンしてもらい、そのデータをデジタル加工したものをビルのファサードに映し出すという試み。ラシュモア山国立記念公園にある4人のアメリカ大統領の彫像のデジタル時代バージョンだそうです。
source: forum

Зимнюю Олимпиаду в Сочи, Россия, украсит необыкновенный павильон компании «МегаФон», которому нет аналогов нигде в мире. Что же в нём такого особенного? Лица! На фасаде строения появятся и оживут лица тысяч болельщиков и просто людей не равнодушных к ХХII Зимним Олимпийским играм. Спроектировал живой павильон известный архитектор Асиф Хан (Asif Khan). Фасадом здания станет подвижная белая стена, за которой скроются 11 000 поршней. Они то и будут каждые 20 секунд выстраиваться в трёхмерные портреты абонентов «МегаФон» и посетителей грандиозного спортивного мероприятия. Одновременно на фасаде будет находиться 3 портрета. Каждое лицо имеет высоту около 8-ми метров и ширину около 6-ти метров.

С 26 ноября по 25 декабря в 30 городах России прошла акция «Лица Олимпиады», в рамках которой десятки тысяч людей отсканировали свои лица в специальных фотобудках. Компьютерная программа превратила полученные фотографии в трёхмерные изображения, которые можно будет увидеть на фасаде павильона.