

source: aichitriennalejp

Born 1972 in Busan (South Korea), based in Berlin.

After studying printmaking at Hongik University in Seoul and the Graduate School of Tama Art University in Tokyo, studied art at the Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design in Stuttgart, Germany from 2003 to 2008. Seo exhibits installations that use mixed media to concentrate the theme within the work. She is interested in buildings that possess a narrative theme, the sites of historic events, and areas that have been dispossessed for the sake of maintaining the structure of society, and has given works in the Sum in a Point of Time series motifs taken from buildings that actually exist, such as the exhibition space of a German art museum and a South Korean brothel. After first breaking up an approximately 3/4-scale Styrofoam model that reproduces the original building in fine detail, Seo then reassembles it at the exhibition venue for display in such a way as to make it depict the instant in time when the model was dismantled. By producing works that allow viewers to actually sense the fragility of the history and memories of buildings and people that could be lost at any time for any reason, Seo’s installations have an overlapping of different points in time—the ‘past’ of the buildings and people who took part in them, the ‘instant’ which we normally would not be able to stop, and the ‘present’ in which live. At Aichi Triennale 2013, she plans to exhibit a new work that uses the basement-level jail under the Nagoya City Archives, the former Nagoya Court of Appeals building as its motif.
source: plginrt-project

ソ・ミンジョンさんは韓国出身、ドイツを拠点に活動をする女性アーティストです。シリーズ作品「Sum in a Point of Time」の新作として、今回は名古屋市市政資料館の留置所を、発泡スチロールで原寸大に緻密に再現しています。下の画像は2010年の過去の作品です。一時的な爆発した”瞬間”や、そこに居た人々の”歴史”、記憶の脆さなどを体感できるダイナミックな作品です。
source: mine-dart

Min Jeong Seo, artiste coréenne qui a su détourner les regards de biens des yeux avertis! Elle excelle dans les installation, pour la plupart somptueuses, et particulièrement symboliques… Elle compose des imageries poétiques, qui savent interpeller non seulement l’attention du public mais qui surtout l’affecte, subtilement, silencieusement; et l’on s’attache à l’oeuvre de Min Jeong Seo tout aussi mystérieusement.