source: marxzrosado
Marxz Rosado Ríos was born in Caguas, Puerto Rico in 1973. He completed a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts with a major in sculpture at the School of Fine Arts of Puerto Rico (1996) followed by a Master in Design from Domus Academy in Milan, Italy (1998). Since then he works professionally as an artist and industrial designer exhibiting his artworks internationally. He began his teaching career in 2004 for the Industrial Design Department at the School of Fine Arts of Puerto Rico, being director of the design department from 2007 to 2009 and in charge of the design and development of the Industrial Design Prototyping Fab Lab. Since then he holds a position as Director of the Prototyping Fab Lab. In 2012, with Hungarian fashion designer Ágnes Anna Szabó, he established Seiz Dedos Design Studio, which specializes in artistic research and design/production of contextual quality products combining traditional hand crafted techniques assisted by the possibilities of digital fabrication. His media include photography, graphic work, drawing, sculpture, video, sound and installation. As a designer and passionate craftsman he is well recognized for his indoor and outdoor furniture, public artwork interventions, commodity products and exhibition design. He is a consultant for manufacturing processes with natural, composite materials and high temperature ceramics. He has extensive experience in development, construction and maintenance of public art projects.
Among his several solo exhibitions are: La última lluvia/The last rain (Galería Sin Título, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1999); Paisaje Reflejado/Reflected landscape (ÁREA lugar de proyectos, Caguas, Puerto Rico, 2005); Restlessness (Galería Comercial, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2006); Las ciudades silenciosas/Silent Cities (Galería Comercial, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2007); Sinfonía de Cruceros/Symphony of Cruisers (El Túnel, Casa de Cultura, Cuenca, Ecuador, 2009); Difusoras para Palmeras/Palmshade, El Hombre de Islote/ Man from Islote (Roberto Paradise, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2012)
Among his several group exhibitions are: 11na Bienal de La Habana (Prácticas Artísticas e Imaginarios Sociales, La Habana, Cuba, 2012); 2012 Happy Islands. Free Zone Aruba Boulevard, Oranjestad, Aruba. Postpanamax (Galería Diablo Rosso, Casco Viejo Panamá, República de Panamá, 2012); Trópico Abierto, 1ra Gran Bienal Tropical (Playa Vacía Talega, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2011); GET. Galería Espacio Temporal (Galería Nacional, Instituo de Cultura Puertorriqueña, San Juan , Puerto Rico, 2011); Kierkegaards Walk (Galería Marilia Razuk. Sao Paulo, Brasil, 2010); A Carta da Jamaica (Museu da Maré e Instituto Goethe. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 2010); Ultrapuñeta (Proyectos Ultravioleta, Zona 1 Guatemala, Guatemala, 2010); X Bienal Internacional de Cuenca, Intersecciones Memoria Realidad Nuevos Tiempos, Cuenca, Ecuador, 2009); Où va la Video? (Fondazione March, Padova, Italia, 2008); Enfrentamientos: Arte vídeo de Puerto Rico (Galería Nacional del Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2007); Enfrentamientos: Arte vídeo de Puerto Rico (Museo de Antropología y Arte Contemporáneo, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 2007); Plomotología (Galería Comercial, San Juan , Puerto Rico, 2007); 20th Anniversary Images Festival (Workman Theatre, Toronto, Canada, 2007); Underdog Film Festival (Viena, Austria, 2007); Muestra Nacional de Artes Plásticas (ICP, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2006); Ninjas Killed My Family. (Galería Comercial, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2005); VI Certamen Nacional de Artes Plásticas (Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Puerto Rico, 2005); Inscritos y Proscritos: desplazamientos en la gráfica puertorriqueña (Trienal Poli/Gráfica de San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2004).
He has received the following awards: Industrial Fabrics Association International Achievements Awards 2012, Roseville, Minneapolis (in collaboration with Sand, Sea and Air Interiors Inc); Prize, Où va la Video? Fondazione March, Padova, Italy, 2008; Prize, V Certamen Nacional de Artes Plásticas, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Puerto Rico, 2002; Grant, Fondo Puertorriqueño para el Financiamiento del Quehacer Cultural and National Endowment for the Arts, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2001.
A hands-on approach based on artistic research, logical analysis, critical curiosity, emotional design, spatial poetics and well thought-out good construction.