

amy joy watson

source: renatoseixas

Australian visual artist Amy Joy Watson combines geometry, vibrant colours with a very personal meticulous work. She has created sculptures with helium balloons in a variety of colours using geometric shapes for small structures.
source: nsmblnl

Deze sculpturen zijn onwijs simpel maar waarschijnlijk juist daarom zo mooi. Ze zijn gemaakt door de Australische Amy Joy Watson. Wij worden er onwijs vrolijk van, jij ook.
source: beautifuldecay

There is something fantastically unworldly yet alluringly familiar about Amy Joy Watson’s bright sculptures. Whether it’s a drooping bow or a glitter-filled orb, this Australian’s artful structures feel like a 1986 birthday party, translated or abstracted by a video game of that same era: there are no soft edges, only the disjointed illusion of it. To make each piece, Watson stitches or glues together watercolor-stained balsa wood, occasionally adding a tasteful Gobstopper here, or helium balloon there, to garnish her own primal sense of whimsy and sacred geometry, resulting in a somewhat spiritual monument to another imaginative age and time.
source: amyjoywatson

Born in Adelaide in 1987, Amy grew up in Belair, South Australia. She received a scholarship to study at Adelaide Central School of Art in 2005. Graduating in 2008, Amy completed a Bachelor of Visual Art with Honours majoring in sculpture and painting.

Amy has shown in various solo and group exhibitions throughout Australia including a recent solo exhibition at Hugo Michelle Gallery as well as solo exhibitions West Space and GRANTPIRRIE Gallery. In 2011 she also had a solo exhibition at the Contemporary Art Space of South Australia’s Project Space, which was featured on ABC News, 7.30 SA. Amy exhibited a major sculptural work in Heartland –Contemporary Art from South Australia at the Art Gallery of South Australia in 2013. Amy undertook a two-month studio residency at Takt Kunstprojektraum, Berlin Germany at the end of 2009 and since graduating has been successful in winning several CARCLEW Project and Development Grants, Helpmann Project Grants, Arts SA grants, Australia Council grants and was awarded the 2012 CARCLEW Youth Arts Ruth Tuck Scholarship which supported Amy while she undertook a 3-month studio residency at ISCP (International Studio and Curatorial Program) in Brooklyn, New York in mid 2012. Amy was successful in winning an Australia Council for the Arts Tokyo Studio Residency, which she will take up early 2014. Amy currently resides in Adelaide, South Australia and works out of Fontanelle studios, Bowden.