
Eben Goff


Flood Cube

Eben Goff Flood Cube

source: highlike
Work: “Eben Goff’s “flood” cubes place modernism in juxtaposition to the forces of nature. These cube frames are bolted in the Los Angeles River, capturing the dross that accumulates and flows through the river, especially during rainstorms. The results are dynamic, a combination of man-made and natural debris.” (From ‘Neo Natural’, curated by Doug Crocco, Steve Turner Contemporary, Los Angeles)
To Replenish a Flood Cube Weather Conditions: Just prior to heavy rainfall weather, the chrome cube should be affixed to the paved bed of the Los Angeles River, or similar concrete flood channel. An L.A. area rainstorm with total precipitation amounts of 1/2 inch will cause flooding of creeks, some major river channels, and is a sufficiently large storm for this sculpting process, however a storm with greater than >1/2 inch total rainfall is ideal. Storms with rainfall of less than <1/2 inch are not advised, as the river flow is too weak. Debris flow amounts are typically highest in fall after the dry summer months, but winter rains are often heavier. Fastening/Unfastening the Sculpture: Each chrome cube has three attachment tabs welded along the bottom beams. These points align with hardware permanently set in the concrete riverbeds at any of three specific locations: A: 34°01’43.20”N 118°22’33.50”W (~100yds. NE of National Blvd Bridge, W side of Ballona Creek, Elev 60ft.) B: 34°01’16.20”N 118°22’49.40”W (~100yds. SW of Rodeo Blvd Bridge, S side of Ballona Creek, Elev 50ft.) C: 33°59’39.40”N 118°24’18.00”W (~15yds. SW of 405 Fwy Bridge, N side of Ballona Creek, Elev 15ft.) At each location are groups of three 1 5/8” threaded drop-in anchors. These threaded anchors accept 3/8” diameter bolts; 1.5” or 2” long stainless steel allen-type bolts are recommended. When not in use, these anchor points each have a 3/4” stainless steel ‘keeper bolt’ threaded into the opening. This keeper bolt plugs the opening to prevent sediment or rust from ruining the threads. Before placing the cube on the anchor points, unfasten any keeper bolts using a 9/16” wrench. Align the cube’s attachment tabs with the openings of the threaded anchors and affix the cube using the 3/8” diameter bolts. Affixing the sculpture at any two of the three anchor points is sufficient to secure it against the floodwaters. Receding floodwaters will reveal a Flood Cube replenished with a new coating of debris. Wait until the storm system has passed and water levels have returned to their normal flow before entering the flood channel. Drying the sculpture in situ for a day is helpful, but be mindful of exposure to strong winds and the public. With the newly accumulated debris the sculpture will be significantly bulkier, heavier, wetter, and more fragile than when first installed. To move, first, unthread 3/8 dia. bolts, then replace keeper bolts in anchors. A stretcher, improvised sled, or cart is useful to transport it carefully out of the river channel; ropes may be necessary. Dry the replenished sculpture indoors. – Eben Goff, 2013 Image: Steve Turner Contemporary . . . . . . . source: understandmag Born in Seattle, raised in Los Angeles, Eben Goff works with materials in a particular new way: he sculpts wax, shapes the metal, paints with pigments. All his sculpting work is influenced by an elegant and transcendent minimalism; the artist carries his viewers to a place beyond experience, with just a few lines and a bit of color. We should made an exception for his pictorial works, where he uses the pigment in search of a perfect reality. So, Eben Goff is a complete artist, able to use all the techniques to his advantage and to create objects with his unique taste. . . . . . . . source: understandmag Nato a Seattle, cresciuto a Los Angeles, Eben Goff lavora con i materiali in un modo inedito e particolare: scolpisce la cera, modella il metallo, dipinge coi pigmenti. Tutto il suo lavoro scultoreo è influenzato da un minimalismo elegante e trascendente; l’artista trasporta i suoi spettatori in un luogo aldilà dell’esperienza, semplicemente con delle linee e qualche punta di colore. Un discorso a parte va fatto invece per i suoi lavori pittorici, dove lavora col pigmento alla ricerca di una resa perfetta della realtà. Insomma, Eben Goff è un artista a tutto tondo, in grado di usare tutte le tecniche a suo vantaggio e restituire oggetti dal sapore unico. . . . . . . . source: snoopit24 «Flood Cubes» είναι η ιδέα-έργο ενός Αμερικανού καλλιτέχνη, ο οποίος τοποθετεί τετράγωνες δομές μέσα σε πλημμυρισμένες περιοχές ή ποτάμια και ό,τι συλλέγουν, το πάει σε γκαλερί! Είναι ο Eben Goff, ο οποίος σύμφωνα με ορισμένους μπλόγκερς της τέχνης θεωρείται γλύπτης με περιβαλλοντικές ανησυχίες. Κατά άλλους η ιδέα του θέλει να δείξει την αλληλεπίδρασή με το φυσικό περιβάλλον. Τελευταία έχουν κυκλοφορήσει φωτογραφίες από τους «κύβους» του, τους οποίους εγκαθιστά συγκεκριμένα σημεία ποταμιού του Λος Αντζελες και όσα πράγματα μαζεύουν πάνω τους τα μεταφέρει προσεκτικά και τα εκθέτει σε γκαλερί στην Καλιφόρνια.