Fly Revolver
source: highlike
Work: This device sends twitter messages based on the activities of a collection of houseflies. The flies live inside an acrylic sphere along with a computer keyboard. As the flies move and interact inside their home, they fly over the keys on the keyboard. These movements are collected in real-time via video. When a particular key is triggered by the flies, the key’s corresponding character is entered into a twitter text box. When 140 characters are reached or the flies trigger the “enter” key, the message containing the accumulated characters is tweeted. Thus live twitter messages are perpetually sent in real-time based on the simple movements of the community of houseflies. These constantly accumulating messages appear as records of random activity within the larger sphere of social media and networking.
Photographer: David Bowen
source: dwbowen
This device sends twitter messages based on the activities of a collection of houseflies. The flies live inside an acrylic sphere along with a computer keyboard. As the flies move and interact inside their home, they fly over the keys on the keyboard. These movements are collected in real-time via video. When a particular key is triggered by the flies, the key’s corresponding character is entered into a twitter text box. When 140 characters are reached or the flies trigger the “enter” key, the message containing the accumulated characters is tweeted. Thus live twitter messages are perpetually sent in real-time based on the simple movements of the community of houseflies. These constantly accumulating messages appear as records of random activity within the larger sphere of social media and networking.
source: kenz0s201xrea
source: tecnoartenews
Uma colônia de moscas convivem junto a um teclado em uma esfera transparente. O teclado está conectado em tempo real a um computador com acesso à internet. As moscas, que tem um perfil na rede social Twitter, enviam suas próprias mensagens a seus seguidores. Essa é a proposta do projeto artístico Fly Tweet, de David Bowen.
As moscas se deslocam pelo espaço e cada vez que se apoiam sobre o teclado a mensagem é composta. Ao atingir os 140 caracteres, o tweet é inviado automaticamente ao Twitter.