
Martín Azúa

Inflatable Basic House


source: archdaily

Barcelona designer Martín Azúa questions the idea of the private home with the Basic House – an inhabitable volume that is “foldable, inflatable and reversible”. The experimental prototype challenges the idea of homeownership, offering an alternative to the materialistic reality of today. Made from metalized polyester, the Basic House is a shelter small enough to fit in your pocket, allowing you to break away from the imprisonment of material ties.
source: ma-maison-ideale

Le concept de « Casa Basica » créé par le designer Martin Azua a pour but d’avoir sous la main en une poignée de seconde une maison-abri en cas de catastrophe naturelle. La « Casa Basica » peut être utilisée dans des situations où un abri temporaire est nécessaire.Le concept est ici particulièrement pertinent quand l’on voit tous les jours les catastrophes que notre planète vit : tremblements de terre, ouragans et tornades, incendies, tsunamis et autres inondations.Les intérêts sont très nombreux, cette solution de secours est peu coûteuse, facile à stocker et expédier en cas d’urgence. Elle tient dans une poche et une fois dépliée peut accueillir aisément deux personnes adultes et leurs enfants.
Une véritable carapace de tortue se déploie pour protéger temporairement des vies humaines. La ventilation interne est également confortable, cet abris « instantané » est une réussite. Car ici nous sommes vraiment sur un concept de réactivité. Sauver des vies, se préparer efficacement à une nuit de survie en un clin d’œil. Cette idée devrait faire son chemin et, nous l’espérons, être adoptée partout dans le monde afin de parer au maximum aux futures catastrophes naturelles qui (malheureusement) se produiront.
source: netintech

Casa Básica do designer Martin Azua é um abrigo auto-inflável brilhante dourado que você pode dobrar e levar com você – sempre que o vento sopra! Com as crises econômicas, crescimento populacional e espaço diminuindo cada vez mais , o peso leve de estrutura de tenda fornece um abrigo de baixo impacto acolhedor, que pode ser configurado em um piscar de olhos. Criado a partir de um material de poliéster metalizado, quando desdobrado auto infla com o calor do corpo ou do calor do sol para fornecer um abrigo instantâneo. Uma vez dentro do abrigo, o material reflete o calor do corpo para manter o usuário aquecido. Se reverter o material ,passa a refletir o sol , mantendo o interior fresco. ”
source: martinazua

A basic an habitable volume; foldable, inflatable and reversible. (Experimental prototype made from metalized polyester). MOMA collection New York.
Our habitat has turned into a space of consumption in which an unlimited number of products satisfy a series of needs created by complex systems and relations that are difficult to control. Cultures that maintain a more direct interaction with their environment show us that the idea of habitat can be understood in more essential and reasonable terms. Influenced by these ideas and using the most advanced technology, I came up with an almost immaterial house that self inflates with body heat or from the heat of the sun; so simple and versatile that it protects us from the cold and from the heat when reversed; so light that it floats; and moreover, it folds up and fits into your pocket. Ideal for a life on the move without material ties. Having everything without having almost anything.
Basic Home is not a product, rather a concept of extreme reduction. Some years ago I was impressed with an Ezio Manzini’s sentence, an Italian theoretical of sustainability, he said that “Design’s paper, in a future, will be to make attractive the poverty”. Science away the tools of change, but Art and Design are who, in somehow, propose or imagine new scenarios.
Basic home try to make attractive a proposal very radical. It is evident that the saturation of products in the “develop societies” doesn’t mean already a sign of progress, rather it is becoming a threat for the planet. If a house is kept in a pocket is obvious that can contain anything and brokes with our lifestyle based on consumption of products. “Have it all (freedom) without having almost anything”.
Exhibitions: Safe (MoMA, New York 2005), Living in Motion (Vitra Design Museum, Germany 2002), Futur compost (Palau Virreina, Barcelona, 1999)

Born in the Basque Country and now Martín Azúa lives in Barcelona where he combines his work as a designer with his teaching work at the Elisava Design School. Martín studied Fine Arts, specializing in Design at the University of Barcelona. He also has a postgraduate degree in Architecture and Ephemeral Installations from the Polytechnic University of Barcelona and an MA in Social Communication from the Pompeu Fabra University.
Currently Martín works as a designer for different companies, as well as carrying out his experimental and investigative work which has been exhibited in individual and collective exhibitions in Barcelona, Milan, London, Berlin, Paris, Vienna, New York, Tokyo o Peking, amongst others.
He has work in the collections of MoMA in New York, Vitra Design Museum in Berlin, The Museum of Decorative Arts in Barcelona and The La Panera Centre of Art in Llieda. His projects have been published in various important international magazines.
Awards include: The City of Barcelona Award 2000, Delta de Plata Award 2007, FAD Award for Ephemeral Architecture 2008, Design Plus Award 2009, Interior Design Plus Award 2009, AD Designer of the Year Award 2010, Delta de Plata Award 2011.
Global communication for a local life
In the scope of ideas there is no boundaries between disciplines, information moves in a shared stratosphere where neither hierarchies nor limits exist. Production is local and dedicated to the environment and social development.
Design Nature
Using natural processes as a strategy for design. In nature nothing is free, the forms found within it are always a result of an economy of material and energy bringing way to the final result. The natural processes of life are in interrelation with a common cycle.
Martín Azúa continues to work on the research, which he started in 1999, with the project Natural Finish, when he placed jars made of porous ceramics in river beds, which allowed him to collect a natural stain. These objects were included in the exhibition Open Borders, commissioned by Droog Design. Also, in 2003, within the framework of his exhibition Neorrural, he presented a series of objects, including the Nest House, hunting shadows and biocolonizable textures. During the workshop Adobe Plus, which took place at the Ceu San Pablo in Valencia, various materials for construction, with the purpose of being inhabited by small animals, were conceptualized. In 2006, the exhibition Flod deliberated about nature’s strategies to grow and establish itself. With his installation the forest’s memory in IKEA products he visualized the natural origin of everything that surrounds us. In 2007, for the first time, he recreated a technological grotto at the SED pavilion of the Expo Zaragoza. In 2008 he received the FAD award in transient architecture for his installation Species in evolution, a project for the company Roca, presenting the design of a grotto-like bathroom, where technology collides with nature. With “The inner life” he claims an integration of natural processes in everyday life, life inside objects.