
Stefan Gross

Стефан Гросс

Stefan Gross 555

source: designboom

‘plastination’ sculptural works by german-born and netherlands-based artist stefan gross are on display in the ‘sustainable trash’ exhibition at harlan levey gallery in brussels. his melted plastic statues are formed from found objects– in this instance, childrens plastic toys.
the grittiness of the collection may be observed in the sort of scientific approach gross employs in his practice of filling each toy with plastic organs to then spill as the innards of the disemboweled objects. the colorful works are moulded by stefan gross by adding polymer and oil to discarded toys in order to recreate a familiar, lighthearted object as something weighted, deadly and serious.
‘the world is a serious place these days. this problem I address with my work.‘ -stefan gross
source: sickoftheradio

German artist Stefan Gross is – pun intended – grossing out children and adults alike with his strangely fascinating Sustainable Trash exhibition at the Harlan Levey gallery in Brussels. Once innocent children’s toys have been melted, dissected and disemboweled to create a My Little Pony-meets-Freddy Krueger aesthetic.
source: polezreniyaru

немецкий художник, проживающий в Нидерландах выполняет свои работы из расплавленных предметов, главным образом из пластмассовых детских игрушек. В итоге получаются яркие и незатейливые скульптуры.