
Joseba Elorza


Air Review- young

Joseba Elorza

source: thisiscolossal

A few months ago we featured a number of collages by artist Joseba Elorza (previously) who merges stock historical footage, photography, science fiction, and humor to create surreal worlds that are both strange and nostalgic. Now we get to see his collages in motion. Dallas-based band Air Review comissioned Elorza to make this beautiful music video for their track Young.
source: flipermag

用 photoshop 和 after effect 製作出來的效果!這些是來自西班牙藝術家 Joseba Elorza 的作品。 Joseba Elorz 之前是一位錄音師,但最近他正往插畫師和藝術家的方向邁進。大量使​​用複製貼上去製作一個美麗的場景,把老舊照片和插畫結合在一起,形成一種嶄新的藝術面貌,他的風格獨樹一幟,帶領我們看見不一樣的藝術美感。
source: lamonomagazine

Que Joseba Elorza es un gran ilustrador y que crea unos maravillosos collages, es público y notorio. Nacido en Vitoria-Gasteiz, en el País Vasco y técnico de sonido de formación, en la actualidad se gana la vida como artista digital. Hoy paramos en él para presentaros este estupendo video musical de la banda de Dallas, Air Review, para el que le han sido encargados una serie de collages en movimiento. El video clip se llama Young.
source: fubiznet

L’artiste Joseba Elorza a réalisé clip pour le titre « Young » du groupe américain Air Review. Avec les logiciels Photoshop et After Effects, cet artiste a monté la vidéo avec différents collages qui ajoutent une dimension très poétique et rêveuse. Des paysages défilent devant nos yeux, au cours du beau voyage d’un petit garçon.
source: miraruido

Hello, my name is Joseba Elorza and I was born in Vitoria-Gasteiz, a small city in the Basque Country, Spain. I studied to become sound technician and later spent a couple of unfruitful years in art school. It was all this synesthesic hodgepodge where MiraRuido sprang from; I used to spend the morning as a sound thechnician in a radio station and the evening working on collages. Sight gradually took over hearing, and presently I’m making a living as an illustrator and artist.
source: ondemosaic

Joseba Elorza uses archival still images and video to create surreal collages, many of which have themes of science fiction and space travel. I think the way Elorza combines photos with drastically different formal qualities (some black and white, others in colour, from different eras) in the same picture — while making the picture work as a cohesive whole — is really intriguing. The overall effect is the creation of dazzling, retro-futurist universe.

Trunk shows a giant, with the body of a man in a suit and a head that is a a tree trunk, standing in a fertile, green valley. A woman hanging laundry on her clothesline looks at a distant explosion in Routine. Invasion shows people watching as flying saucers come into their city. The animated GIFs shown here are clips from the collage style music video Elorza made for Young by the band Air Review. The video shows young people running across the screen with a variety of backdrops, from cities and rural landscapes, to space and other planets.

The artist calls his work MiraRuido, from the Spanish words meaning “look” and “noise”. This comes from his studies of both sound production and art.

“It was all this synaesthetic hodgepodge where MiraRuido sprang from; I used to spend the morning as a sound technician in a radio station and the evening working on collages. Sight gradually took over hearing, and presently I’m making a living as an illustrator and artist,” he says.