

Майкл Каи


source: wpkaiaktw

看到這些照片的第一個感覺是〝哪一邊向上啊?〞,這是澳洲設計師 Michael Kai 的作品。來自德國,在德國主修影像設計,之後搬到墨爾本繼續完成學業。他的作品曾獲得許多獎項,除了藝術創作之外,他也進行廣告設計很長一段時間。

這系列名為〝此面向上〞的藝術創作利用錯視的技巧,將照片裡〝凹〞與〝凸〞的不同空間以後製的方式結合,讓整個平面空間扭曲,打破了我們習慣的 2D/3D 空間,創造出怪異的場景。希望傳達給觀賞者的是:難道世界真的是我看到它的樣子嗎?還是我們相信所以才看到這個樣子?抑或是我們自己感知環境的心理建設?
source: moillusions

Michael Kai is a German-born, and Australian-based photographer who won the First International Photographic Art Prize – Arte Laguna back in 2008. Below you can see a sample from his photographic collection, entitled This Side Up. Rest of the collection can be seen in the embedded gallery, just below the tennis court photo. Kai’s photographs look normal at first glance, but look again and you’ll quickly realize he has cleverly tweaked the pictures to disorient the viewer. Even though it’s obvious that these pictures were digitally edited, they still make you wonder if you’re looking at them the right way around. For me personally, it’s hard to distinguish where normal view ends, and upside-down view begins.
source: netloreru

Австралийский фотоманипулятор Майкл Каи (Michael Kai) пошел по стопам Мориса Эшера. На первый взгляд это самые обычные фотографии, но только на первый взгляд. Внимательно сличайте детали — иногда чтобы понять, как именно вывернуто изображение, приходится затратить немало внимания.
source: michaelkainet

Michael Kai is a Melbourne-based photographer. Born in a town close to Berlin, Germany, Michael spent two years as a documentary photographer in post-war Kosovo before pursuing further studies in Germany and Australia. Since 2005, Michael has worked primarily as a commissioned photographer. His distinctive style incorporates a striking balance of colour, a clean, graphical approach to composition and the use of negative space to frame clear focal points, creating images that are both simple and visually arresting.