Ron Gilad
رون جلعاد
רון גלעד
source: larcobaleno
Born in Tel Aviv in 1972, designer Ron Gilad studied industrial design at the Bezalel Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem. Between 1999 and 2001, he taught 3-D and conceptual design at the Shenkar College of Engineering and Design in Ramat Gan, Israel. He moved to New York in 2001, and cofounded the studio Designfenzider. Since 2006, he has taught at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn.
Gilad’s often minimalist designs include everything from jewelry to furniture and interiors. Through his work, he consistently attempts to deconstruct the function of a given object, and in the process redefines its purpose and context. His work is included in the permanent collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York’s Museum of Arts and Design, and the Tel Aviv Museum of Art, as well as multiple private collections.
source: rongilad
Ron Gilad. Contrary to his design philosophy, it would seem that Ron
Gilad’s form does follow his function. Gilad has committed his body and mind to materializing of ideas, creating design pieces of astringent thoughtfulness, wit and elegance. Currently a New Yorker, Gilad is a well-established and esteemed Israeli-by-origin designer who quickly drew the attention of curators, galleries, designers and press even while still a student at the Bezalel Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem.
A graduate of the Industrial Design Department, Gilad’s fascination with “deconstructing” the function of an object has resulted in a broad body of work, ranging from furniture to jewelry to whole interiors.
Each of his designs exhibits his meticulous attention and focus, his poetic formalism, and his offering of beautiful asceticism to a camp-obsessed world. Through this rigor, however, Gilad enlivens a consciousness of material vulnerability and deception: a cylinder vase is pierced by a bullet, what appears to be a table is in fact a block of wood with a printed void. Gilad has been widely shown in solo and group exhibitions at the top museums and design galleries in Israel, including the Tel-Aviv Museum of Art, Periscope Contemporary Design Gallery, the Jerusalem Art Center, and the Ramat-Gan Museum of Modern Art. His work has been selected for the permanent collections of the Metropolitan Museum in NY and the Tel-Aviv Museum of modern Art as well as for private collections. In early 2001, Gilad completed an environmental sculpture comprised of one chair in many configurations for the city of Jerusalem that was heralded by the Municipal Art Committee as one of the most elegant designs for the city.
Prior to moving to New York, Gilad was a lecturer and instructor in 3D and Conceptual Design in the newly formed Jewelry Design Department at Shenkar design & engineering Academy in Ramat-Gan where he excelled in provoking his students to think beyond conventional boundaries and into the domain of challenging design concepts.
source: spacesetc
Born 1972 Tel-Aviv
Lives and works in New York City
Ron Gilad’s hybrid objects combine material wit with aesthetic play; they sit on the fat, delicious line between the abstract and the functional.
Gilad is fascinated with philosophizing about the common objects we live with.
His work, which vary from one-off to limited editions and production pieces, have no “expiration date” and reside in both public and private collections worldwide.
Gilad asks unceasing questions in 3D form and fabricates answers that create an arena for fertile doubt.
source: livingcorriereit
Così parla Ron Gilad, 40 anni (è nato il 17 dicembre 1972), nuovo protagonista del design internazionale, israeliano di Tel Aviv, vissuto a New York e tornato stabilmente oggi in Israele, vincitore dell’edizione 2013 del prestigioso Wallpaper Award come designer dell’anno. Un po’ Tim Burton un po’ Bruno Munari, con una fascinazione euclidea per la semplicità geometrica delle forme, Ron Gilad ha un approccio giocoso e insieme emotivo al design, concettuale, irriverente a volte surreale, con oggetti capaci di intercettare il paradosso e il senso dell’assurdo, il gioco delle sproporzioni e un ironico gusto dadaista per il capovolgimento dei significati.
source: sleekdesign
Ron Gilad (né en 1972 à Tel Aviv) vit et travaille à New York. Au sein de son bureau de design, Designfenzider, il imagine des objets d’art et de design industriel qui s’inspirent autant des maîtres du design italien que des artistes René Magritte, Marcel Duchamp ou Giorgio de Chirico.
source: designlines
Ron Gilad zählt zu den Vorreitern des israelischen Designs. Geboren 1972 in Tel Aviv, studierte er Gestaltung an der Bezalel Academy of Art & Design in Jerusalem und erhielt von 1999 bis 2001 einen Lehrauftrag für plastisches Entwerfen an der Shenkar Academy of Engineering & Design im israelischen Ramat-Gan. 2001 zog er nach New York und gründete dort zusammen mit Lior Haramaty das Büro Designfenzider in Stadtteil Brooklyn, das seine Arbeiten zugleich produziert und vertreibt. Mit Vorliebe entwirft Gilad hybride Objekte, die oft mit surrealistischen Qualitäten die Grenzen der Funktionalität hinterfragen. Regale werden bei ihm zu menschlichen Torsi, Leuchter zu spinnenartigen Wesen und Tische zu miniaturisierten Architekturen. Seine Arbeiten werden nicht nur von den Herstellern Moooi und Flos vertrieben, sondern befinden sich auch in den ständigen Sammlungen des Metropolitan Museum of Art, dem Museum of Arts and Design in New York oder dem Tel Aviv Museum of Art. Wir trafen Ron Gilad in Mailand und sprachen mit ihm über virtuelle Nachbarn, injizierte Realitäten und wie ihn die New Yorker Polizei kurzerhand vor die Tür setzte.
source: connoxde
Ron Gilad wurde 1972 in Tel-Aviv geboren. Heute lebt und arbeitet er in New York City.
Ron Gilad Hybrid-Objekte kombinieren Material und Witz in einem ästhetischen Spiel. Sie bewegen sich auf einem breiten und deliziösen Grad zwischen abstrakt und funktional.
Gilad liebt es über die Dinge, die uns umgeben zu philosphieren. Seine Werke reichen von Einzelstücke über limitierte Auflagen bis hin zu Massenprodukten, die jedoch kein Verfallsdatum haben und sowohl in privaten als auch öffentlichen Sammlungen zu finden sind.
source: infurn
Der israelische Designer Ron Gilad wurde 1971 in Tel Aviv geboren. Er studierte Industrielles Design an der Bezalel Kunst- und Designakademie in Jerusalem, bevor er 2001 nach New York ging, wo er an der Gründung von Designfenzider mitbeteiligt war. Die Merkmale seiner Arbeit waren die klare Ästhetik sowie die geometrischen Formen, die er oft mit einem Objekt begann welches er im Laufe seiner Arbeit entwickelte und umgestaltete. Gilad wurde 2013 als Wallpaper*Designer des Jahres preisgekrönt. Seine Designs werden in den dauerhaft präsentierten Kollektionen verschiedener Museen, wie dem Tel Aviv Kunstmuseum oder dem New York Musuem für Kunst und Design.