source: fabricelenezet
Fabrice Le Nezet is a Director, Designer and Visual Artist based in London. His work explores the intersection between Architecture, Fashion and Toys Design through the use of raw material such as concrete and metal.
Recognizable in his work is the pure, clean and graphical aesthetic combined with playful qualities.
In 2013, Fabrice Le Nezet founded the eponym creative studio to support his various research in Graphic Design, Industrial Design and Sculpture.
I worked here on a physical representation of the idea of measure. The objective was to ‘materialize’ tension in a sense, to make the notions of weight, distance and angle palpable…This work lies in the context of my search for purification around raw materials such as concrete and metal. This is why I played with simple shapes which catch light and transcend the volume structure.
source: phaidon
We must admit it was the concrete element of artist and sculptor Fabrice Le Nezet’s new series of sculptures Measure, that first caught our eye. We’re publishing a book on the stuff in a few months and so we’ve become rather interested in the subject lately. Le Nezet is a London-based French artist, best known for his short films, among them Dynamo, Raymond and ‘Dix as well as some clever commercial projects for the likes of Sony, Ford, Nokia, Vodafone and Amnesty International. He describes his work as a mix of architecture, modern sculpture, toy design and urban culture.
source: orgone-design
Fabrice Le Nezet est un artiste très intéressant qui utilise du béton et du métal pour mettre en évidence la tension créée par des poids. Fabrice Le Nezet explique qu’il a travaillé ici sur une représentation physique de l’idée de mesure, d’où le nom de l’oeuvre « Measure ». L’objectif était de matérialiser la tension dans un sens, de cristalliser les notions de poids, de distance et d’angle. Ce travail s’inscrit dans le cadre de sa recherche autour de la purification des matières premières telles que le béton et le métal. C’est pourquoi l’artiste explique qu’il aime jouer avec des formes simples qui capturent la lumière, afin de transcender la structure des volumes.
source: vizkultura
Kad vam je svakodnevica gledati, tražiti i tekstualno prepričavati umjetničke i kreativne projekte iz cijelog svijeta i konstantno vizualno upijate nove i nove ideje, forme i koncepte, malo vas stvari može ostaviti natprosječno impresioniranim, osobito u onom kontekstu da nešto slično niste već negdje vidjeli.
No prostorne instalacije Fabricea Le Nezeta iz serije «Measure» učinile su sve navedeno, u svojoj se originalnosti i dorečenosti izričaja namećući kao jedan od najzanimljivijih projekata koji trenutačno struje i bivaju elaborirani po sličnim nam portalima. Riječ je o prostornim skulpturama koje kombiniraju sirovi beton s koloristički akcentiranim metalom, stvarajući napete, konstruktorski i arhitektonski atraktivne i moćne forme. Sam autor, londonski dizajner i umjetnik Fabrice Le Nezet za svoj projekt kaže da je kroz njega želio iskomunicirati fizičku reprezentaciju mjere, s ciljem objektiviziranja odnosno materijalizacije pojma napetosti.
Autorov izbor bazira se na sirovom betonu i jednako bazičnom metalu, odnosno žičanoj konstrukciji koja obavija taj beton, čiji su karakter i uloga dodatno pojačani žarkim primarnim bojama.
Ono što autoru zbilja dojmljivo uspijeva jest stvoriti apstraktnu strukturu koja odaje dojam napetosti, pokreta i snažnih sila, dok biva potpuno mirna.