
John Henry Newton

John Henry Newton

source: looklateral

Even before fin­ish­ing his stud­ies, and notwith­stand­ing the young age, John Henry New­ton par­tic­i­pated in col­lec­tive shows in the United King­dom and Zagreb. His first solo show was at Gal­le­ria Frutta in Rome in 2013, in which he cre­ated an instal­la­tion made with found objects bal­anced on top of each other, and another made with a denim jacket and a t-shirt with a tag that read: “and at the open­ing, in between the red wine and pissed cheer, the con­ver­sa­tion of black metal and burnt churches ensued”. Com­mon objects, quick­ness and styl­ized fig­ures are part of John Henry Newton’s expres­sion. Selected group exhi­bi­tions include: Exchange, Unit 2 Gallery, Lon­don (2009); Mind the Tail/Pazi Rep, Galer­ija Miroslav, Zagreb, HR (2009); How Not To Sell Your Soul at No Soul For Sale, Tur­bine Hall, Tate Mod­ern, Lon­don (2010); Young British Art II, Dien­st­be­gaude, Zurich (2012); AB; Nomas Foun­da­tion, Rome (2013).