Omar Gámez
source: thepandorian
The theory of stability of dynamic systems proposed in 1892 by the Russian mathematician Aleksander Lyapunov covers three states of equilibrium: stable, unstable and asymptotically stable. Any of these three possibilities suggest that the origin, the point at which the body stands independently of external supports, is in fact a solution for equilibrium. The body always achieves balance by locating its own center.
The series entitled Stability takes this premise in a metaphorical way from Lyapunov´s theory to confront the physical, emotional and mental states within each figure once they have been stripped and destabilised. More than just photographs, theses images are sculptural proposals concerning canonical treatments of bodily beauty throughout the history of art. They are also notes on the possibility and impossibility for man to seize and sustain his permanence on earth.
Omar Gámez was born in Mexico City in 1975. He has a Master Degree in Visual Arts from San Carlos Academy at National Autonomous University of Mexico and a degree in Communication Sciences. This month Omar will have a solo show at Sinaloa Art Museum in Mexico presenting Stability series for the first time.
source: g76330pixnetnet
Omar Gámez,生於1975年,墨西哥攝影師,此組名為《Estabilidad》的攝影作品,以抗拒地心引力的方式,呈現出人體線條的美感與張力。圖片雖然不多,卻讓我看的著迷,藝術的本質或許就是如此,不需要太多的理由,享受當下就是最美的時刻。
source: bajoelsignodelibrablogspot
Omar Gámez nació en la ciudad de México en 1975. Tiene una licenciatura en Comunicaciones y una Maestría en Artes Visuales. Ha participado en más de 25 exposiciones colectivas en México. Ha tenido el apoyo del FONCA dentro del programa Fomento a proyectos 2007-2008, el programa Jóvenes creadores ediciones 2003-2004 y 2005-2006; además de una beca para estudios de maestría en la Academia de San Carlos de la UNAM en el 2000.
Su trabajo de fotografía y vídeo ha sido exhibido internacionalmente en distintas ciudades como París, Atenas, Barcelona, La Habana, Toronto, Buenos Aires, Houston y Nueva York, entre otras. Actualmente es Director Académico de AAVI.