

Ping-Pong Go Round


source: oeduardomoreira

Esta é a Ping Pong Go Round, uma mesa gigante de pingue pongue circular, construída pelo artista plástico Lee Wen, em Cingapura. Ela foi desenvolvida para que duas pessoas desafiem uma série de outros jogadores que estão pelo lado de fora.
Um conceito interessante. Só que pode gerar uma grande desvantagem para os jogadores que estão no meio. Pense na quantidade de ataques simultâneos que você pode receber. De qualquer forma, vale pela iniciativa (e por ser diferente o suficiente para gerar um post como esse).
source: videosdodi

Lee Wen é um artista de Cingapura que faz performances sobre os temas da identidade social. Sua obra “Ping Pong Go-Round” é uma instalação totalmente excêntrica e bem-humorada de uma mesa de ping pong redonda redonda onde da para jogar dezenas de pessoas ao mesmo tempo. A mesa já foi exposta em vários locais, e parece ser super divertida
source: ipreciation

As a sport, ping pong is said to be almost equal for the women’s game as compared to that of the man’s. A game commonly played in China and Singapore, ping pong requires a minimum of two players, constituting a form of dialogue between the players on opposite sides as the ball bounces back and forth.

In this work, the structure and rules of ping pong are reinvented in the context of contemporary possibilities as the artist seeks alternative models of interaction. By reinventing the shape of a traditional ping pong table to that not unlike a conference table with no borders on its left and right, Lee Wen offers a different perception of its limitations and opens multiple possibilities for broader dialogue. As opposed to traditional, rectangular-shaped ping pong tables, Ping Pong Go-Round is at once a multi-player game and a dialogue between numerous people, regardless of gender and age around a donut-shaped table.
source: pbart

Lee Wen, a multidisciplinary artist and one of Singapore’s most internationally recognised contemporary artists. His earliest known work in a book entitled A Waking Dream (1981) with texts and drawings preceded the manga generation of today and showed evidence of his inclination in using dreams, metaphor and myth-making to manifest a narrative of our perception of life and reality.

Best known for his Yellow Man series of work, Lee is also one of the Singapore artists who pioneered in the field of performance art. Through various constructed personas, his work allow visitors an insight into the artist and provocateur, whose very being is motivated by a strong conviction of justice and idealism, with a persistence to stay true to the self in a highly structured world.
source: cosmone

As a multidisciplinary artist, Lee is recognised for delivering layered and complex works that deal with issues of society, politics, culture, and identity. His personal responses to challenging experiences as an individual in society are meant to provoke and invite audiences to reconsider their roles in society, just as he does. A pioneer and champion of Singapore performance art scene, Lee is best known for his Yellow Man series, where his body is covered in bright yellow pigment to express his ethnic identity in a striking manner.
source: fubiznet

Lee Wen est un artiste singapourien qui réalise des performances sur les thèmes de l’identité sociale. Son oeuvre « Ping Pong Go-Round » est une installation totalement décalée et humoristique d’une table de ping-pong ronde permettant de jouer à plusieurs dizaines de personnes. Elle a été récemment exposée à l’Art Basel de Hong Kong.
source: newnesscn

作为中国人,乒乓球对于我们是再熟悉不过了,因为它是我们的国球。摆上一张长桌,中间隔着一块木板就可以开玩了,这是笔者小时候的写照。不管怎样,我们对于乒乓球桌的印象,肯定是个规规矩矩的长方形。而下面这个圆形的乒乓球桌,大家肯定没见过,这是来自新加坡艺术家Lee Wen的设计作品(Ping-Pong Go Round)。