
POLYMORF: Marcel Van Brakel & Frederik Duerinck


POLYMORF- Marcel Van Brakel & Frederik Duerinck  Hardwired  22

source: polymorfnl

LED installatie gemaakt in het kader van Avans 200 voor AVANS Hogeschool. Leren is op reis gaan, de ander ontmoeten. Het is het doorgeven van kennis, uitwisselen van ideeën en delen van energie. Je legt nieuwe verbanden. Individuele lichtpixels ontstaan, verbinden zich en verdwijnen ook weer. Botsingen creëren nieuwe relaties. In een constant transformerend proces ontstaan nieuwe patronen en complexiteit.
Hardwired was te zien: Januari 2014 in Ruskin Digital Gallery Cambridge (GB). 2013 Dutch technology week Curated by STRP 2012 het Festival van de creativiteit in Turnhout (B) Playgrounds digital arts festival in Tilburg (NL)
source: fileorgbr

“Hardwired” consiste em cerca de 18.000 luzes LED que simbolizam a transferência de conhecimento. Pixels luminosos individuais se conectam e então desaparecem. Num processo de transformação constante, surgem novos padrões, inter-relações e complexidades.
A instalação foi desenvolvida pela POLYMORF com antigos alunos do Departamento de Comunicação e Design de Mídia na Avans University of Applied Science, em Breda.
Designer-chefes: Marcel van Brakel (POLYMORF), Frederik Duerinck (POLYMORF)
Codificação: Dominggus Salampessy, Peter Schmidt
A Polymorf cria experiências imersivas e projetos de mídia. Os projetos têm base temporal e muitas vezes envolvem todos os sentidos. Eles variam de instalações artísticas interativas e propaganda a projetos educacionais, filmes, teatro e óperas. Na Polymorf, os projetos fazem refletir sobre o agora, a condição (pós) humana e o relacionamento entre humanos e a (bio) tecnologia.
Marcel van Brakel (1970) é atualmente o diretor artístico do grupo Polymorf de crossmídia. Ele trabalha independentemente como designer de mídia, dramaturgo, libretista e diretor de cinema e teatro. Marcel foi cofundador da coletiva de filmes FilmFilm e trabalhou como diretor de teatro no Het Witte Vuur.
Van Brakel também leciona Design de Multimídia, Design 3D e performatividade no Departamento de Comunicação e Design de Mídia na Avans University of Applied Science, em Breda.
Frederik Deurinck (1976) é um cineasta e produtor de Breda. Durante muitos anos, vem produzindo e dirigindo vários documentários, filmes corporativos, e-learning e aplicações de assistência médica online. Em 2004, começou a trabalhar meio período como professor de filme-multimídia-design e supervisor de projetos na CMD Breda. Ele também é cofundador da CMD Netlab.
source: fileorgbr

“Hardwired” consists of around 18,000 LED-lights that symbolize the transfer of knowledge. Individual luminous pixels connect and then disappear. In a process of constant transformation, new patterns, interrelations and complexities emerge.
The installation was developed by POLYMORF with alumni from the Department of Communication Media Design at the Avans University of Applied Science in Breda.
Lead designer: Marcel van Brakel (POLYMORF), Frederik Duerinck (POLYMORF)
Coding: Dominggus Salampessy, Peter Schmidt
Polymorf designs immersive experiences and media projects. The projects are time based and often engage all senses. Projects are ranging from interactive art-installations, advertising, educational projects, film, theatre and operas. At Polymorf, projects reflect on the now, the (post) human condition and relationships between humans and (bio) technology.
Marcel van Brakel (1970) is currently artistic director of cross media group Polymorf. He works as independent media designer, play writer, librettist and film and theatre director. Marcel was co-founder of film collective FlimFilm and worked as a theatre director at Het Witte Vuur.
Van Brakel is also a lecturer Multimedia Design, 3D Design and Performativity at the Department of Communication Media Design at the Avans University of Applied Science in Breda.
Frederik Deurinck (1976) is a filmmaker and producer located in Breda. For many years he has produced and directed a great amount of documentaries, corporate films, e-learning, and online healthcare-applications. Since 2004 Frederik teaches part time at CMD Breda as lecturer film-multimedia-design and project supervisor. He is also co-founder of the CMD Netlab.
source: polymorfnl

Polymorf ontwerpt belevingen, niet vanuit een centraal medium, podium of doelgroep, maar op zoek naar nieuwe vormen en verbindingen op de grensgebieden waar verschillende kunstvormen, doelgroepen en technologie elkaar raken. 
Polymorf realiseerde de afgelopen jaren diverse theater, kunst, onderwijs, film en mediaprojecten.

Polymorf is Peter Boonstra, Marcel van Brakel, en Frederik Duerinck. Alledrie werken al meer dan 20 jaar samen. Van Brakel en Boonstra waren eerder werkzaam binnen filmcollectief FlimFilm. Boonstra is zelfstandig filmmaker en editor, voor oa reclamebureau KesselsKramer. Van Brakel is film- en theatermaker, was lid van de artistieke kern van Het Witte Vuur en is als docent verbonden aan CMD Breda (Communicatie en Multimedia Design). Duerinck is zelfstandig filmmaker en tevens werkzaam aan CMD Breda.