
j. mayer h.

يورغن ماير
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Юрген Майер
finalizes mixed-use sonnenhof complex

j. mayer h. finalizes mixed-use sonnenhof complex

source: ideamsg

位于德国耶拿(Jena)历史城区中心的Sonnenhof 是由四栋包含办公与住宅的建筑组成的一个规模不大的社区。四栋形态不同的建筑相互独立,所以社区可以通过四个方向进入到中心广场。Sonnenhof 社区一面临街,四周的建筑几乎都是中世纪时期的风格。设计团队J. MAYER H. Architects却让Sonnenhof社区呈现出一种未来风格,白色的主体,黑色的窗户,并将这种手法延伸到地面景观以及室内的设计,达到高度的一致性。
source: dezeen

J Mayer H Architects has completed a housing and office complex in Germany, covered with graphic patterns that extend down from facades to create the impression of elongated shadows.

The four buildings that make up the Sonnenhof complex range in height from five to seven storeys, and are clustered around a central courtyard.

All four buildings feature faceted monochrome facades. Skewed pentagonal and square windows are outlined by grey aluminium panelling, contrasting the stark white plasterwork.

In homage to this detailing, J Mayer H chose to paint different areas of the courtyard black and white, creating the illusion that dark shadows are cast onto the ground.

Wedge-shaped planters with integrated benches contribute to this effect.

The Sonnenhof complex is located in Jena, a town in the Saale river valley in eastern Germany.

Related story: J Mayer H designs Berlin shopping centre offering indoor skydiving and surfing

Construction began on the project back in 2010, after a plot was secured behind existing buildings in the historical centre of the town.

“The idea behind was to fill the huge site in the middle of the historic centre with buildings of about the same size as the ones from the past,” explained J Mayer H’s Wilko Hoffmann.

“We didn’t want to build one huge building there, so we decided to create four smaller volumes.”

“The separate structures allow for free access through the grounds,” he added. “Their placement on the outer edges of the plot defines a small-scale outdoor space congruent with the medieval city structure.”

Shops are located on the ground floors of the buildings, while the upper levels accommodate apartments and offices. There is also an underground car park, concealed beneath the courtyard.

“The planned incorporation of commerce, residence, and office enables a flexible pattern of use that also integrates itself conceptually into the surroundings,” said the studio.

The buildings angle inwards towards the tops, mimicking the hipped roofs of surrounding buildings, while slanted doors are set in the sloping walls at the base of the structures.

Two of the concrete blocks lean together, linking the upper levels and creating a passageway at ground level that connects the street to the courtyard.

These forms and details are similar in style to several other projects by the Berlin-based firm, including a law courts building in Belgium and a Stuttgart residence reminiscent of a dinosaur’s head.

Inside, grey staircases rise up through angular openings that mirror the pentagonal shape of the windows. Strip lights and glass balustrades accentuate these irregular shapes.
source: tockacommk

“Sonnenhof” е нов станбен комплекс проектиран и изведен под палката на афирмираната архитектонска компанија “J. Mayer H. Architects”.
Коплексот што неодамна ги отвори портите за своите нови станари е сместен во центарот на универзитетскиот град Јена во Источна Германија.

Идејата за изведба на станбениот комплекс била да се исполни празниот простор во историскиот центар на градот на каде и во минатото имало станбен блок. Архитектонскиот тим не сакал да проектира една грандиозна станбена зграда и оттаму се решил за четири посебни структури изведени околу централен, заеднички надворешен простор.

Комплексот „Sonnenhof“, освен како станбена единица, има резервиран дел за комерцијални простори на приземјето на секоја зграда, како и за деловни простори. Комбинацијата од станбен, комерцијален и деловен комплекс го прави „Sonnenhof“ проект со флексибилен концепт што хармонично се вклопува во овој дел од градот.
source: urbanprde

Nicht in Berlin, sondern in Jena gelingt Jürgen Mayer H. mit der Zentrale der Wohnungsgenossenschaft Carl Zeiss ein innerstädtisches mischgenutztes Ensemble, das auch dem BauNetz die Sprache verschlägt, wenn es „Sonniges Schwarz-Weiß” titelt. Die Fotos von David Franck zeigen einen Ort, bei dem man sich „plötzlich in einem Schwarz-Weiß-Film wähnt”. Hiermit ist Jürgen Mayer H. ein Blick in die Zukunft der Architektur gelungen, die er im Beitrag vom März 2013 beschreibt. Während sich in den Gebäuden Büros, Geschäfte und Wohnungen mischen, wird die Anlage im Gefüge der Umgebung zu einer Passage, welche die Stadt neu erschließt und den Passanten neue ästhetische Erfahrungen machen lässt.
source: impresabruschettait

Edificio dai colori moderni, un bianco e nero che fanno risaltare l’edificio come struttura diversa da altri edifici della zona.

Si trova nella città universitaria tedesca di Jena, ‘sonnenhof’ è uno sviluppo ad uso misto composto da quattro edifici di nuova costruzione con i programmi sia in ufficio che residenziale. Disegnati da Jurgen Mayer h.
source: arelir

معماری : jurgen mayer h.
موقعیت : ینا، آلمان
مجموعه sonnenhof در شهرک دانشگاهی ینا ساخته شده، این مجوعه شامل 4 ساختمان است که هم به عنوان واحد های مسکونی و هم به عنوان دفاتر اداری طراحی شده اند. معماری ساختار این مجموعه, معماری مستقلی بوده و مردم می توانند آزادانه در محیط تردد کنند. با این که قدمت شهر مربوط به دوران قرون وسطی می باشد ولی معماری مدرن مجموعه متناسب و هماهنگ با معماری و ساختمان های قدیمی شهر است.

در کنار خانه های بی شمار قدیمی و تاریخی شهر، مجموعه sonnenhof با استفاده از الگویی خاص با کاربری ساختمان های مسکونی و اداری طراحی شده به گونه ای که با معماری و بافت شهر هم خوانی دارد. نمای هر یک از ساختمان ها را با پانل های سیاه و سفید پوشانده اند و این لکه های سیاه و سفید بر روی زمین محوطه هم کشیده شده است..
source: jmayerhde

J. MAYER H. und Partner, Architekten arbeiten an den Schnittstellen von Architektur, Kommunikationsdesign und Neuen Technologien. Dabei spielt der Einsatz interaktiver Medien und responsiver Materialien eine zentrale Rolle bei der Produktion von Raum. In kooperativen Teams wird, von Installationen bis zu städtebaulichen Entwürfen und internationalen Wettbewerben, multidisziplinäre Raumforschung zum Verhältnis von Körper, Natur und Technologie erarbeitet und realisiert.

J. MAYER H. wurde von Jürgen Mayer H. 1996 in Berlin gegründet. Im Januar 2014 sind Andre Santer und Hans Schneider als weitere Partner beigetreten. Jürgen Mayer H. studierte Architektur an der Universität Stuttgart, The Cooper Union New York und an der Princeton University. Seine Arbeiten wurden mit zahlreichen internationalen Preisen ausgezeichnet, zuletzt mit dem Mies-van-der-Rohe-Preis-Emerging-Architect-2003, dem Winner Holcim-Award-Bronze-2005 für nachhaltige Architektur und dem 1. Preis des Audi Urban Future Award 2010. Er ist ebenfalls mit Projekten in Sammlungen wie dem MoMA NY und dem SF MoMA sowie zahlreichen Privatsammlungen vertreten. Seit 1996 unterrichtet er an verschiedenen Universitäten, u.a. an der Universität der Künste Berlin, am GSD der Harvard University, an der Architectual Association in London, der Columbia University in New York und an der Universität Toronto, Kanada.
source: jmayerhde

J. MAYER H. und Partner, Architekten focuses on works at the intersection of architecture, communication and new technology. From urban planning schemes and buildings to installation work and objects with new materials, the relationship between the human body, technology and nature form the background for a new production of space.

J. MAYER H. was founded in 1996 by Jürgen Mayer H. in Berlin. In January 2014, Andre Santer and Hans Schneider joined as partners in the firm. Jürgen Mayer H. studied at Stuttgart University, The Cooper Union and Princeton University. His work has been published and exhibited worldwide and is part of numerous collections including MoMA New York and SF MoMA and also private collections. National and international awards include the Mies-van-der-Rohe-Award-Emerging-Architect-Special-Mention-2003 ,Winner Holcim Award Bronze 2005 and Winner Audi Urban Future Award 2010. Jürgen Mayer H. has taught at Princeton University, University of the Arts Berlin, Harvard University, Kunsthochschule Berlin, the Architectural Association in London, the Columbia University, New York and at the University of Toronto, Canada.