
federico babina

Федерико Бабина

animates archidirectors

federico babina   animates archidirectors

source: urbanurbanru

Федерико Бабина, прославившийся проектом Archist City, решил повторить свой успех. Новая серия художника — рисунки домов, как бы они выглядели, если бы их проектировали знаменитые кинорежиссеры.

Название нового проекта — Archidirector. Сам художник считает, что режиссеры — в своем роде архитекторы кино, которые выстраивают пространство фильма так же, как строят дома. У каждого режиссера — свой стиль, язык и своя эстетика. Атмосферу, которую режиссеры создают в своих фильмах, Бабина перенес в архитектурную плоскость.
Все 27 рисунков из серии можно посмотреть на сайте художника. Каждая детали в работах Бабины передает режиссерский фирменный стиль. Важную роль играет и геометрия, которая создает настроение рисунка. Можно букально представить себе, каково это — жить внутри картины Феллини или, например, Хичкока.
source: fastcodesign

Some directors are so defined by the aesthetic of their films that it’s hard to believe they don’t inhabit the fantastical worlds they create on screen. It’s nice to imagine Wes Anderson coming home after a long shoot to a house as enchanting and whimsical as one of his meticulously-designed film sets. Or Ridley Scott tossing back a scotch in one of the towering futuristic skyscrapers in Bladerunner.

In his latest illustration series, ‘Archidirector,’ Barcelona-based artist Federico Babina plays into those fantasies by imagining the homes of 27 famous film directors. From George Lucas’s space station pad to the surreal, carnival-esq abode of Federico Fellini, the houses depicted in Babina’s retro-inspired illustrations reflect each director’s distinctive cinematic style.

As a cinephile and architect, Babina has merged cinema and architecture in his illustrations before: in his Archicine series he depicts the iconic buildings that appear in beloved movies, and in Archiset he illustrates film’s most recognizable interior spaces.

Previously, Babina was illustrating architecture that already existed. But with Archidirector Babina gave himself full creative license to both illustrate and design the fictional houses of directors like David Lynch, Stanley Kubrick and Lars Van Trier. In an email interview, Babina said Archidirector more abstract exercise than his past architecture/cinema mash-ups. “It was challenging to translate the atmosphere of cinema into small illustrated architecture,” Babina said.

In some houses, it’s easy to spot architectural elements that allude to a specific film or a director’s personality. In others, it’s more of an overall atmosphere. The house of Andrei Tarkovsky, for example—whose films, like Solaris and Stalker, are known for their metaphysical themes—is a modernist structure behind an old stone facade. Babina said he wanted to create a house “between the sacred and the profane, classic and modern at the same time.”

Others, like Tim Burton’s creepy Victorian mansion, need considerably less explanation. But then, we already knew that Burton’s house embodies all of the gothic weirdness of his films.
source: designboom

federico babina draws a comparison between the makers of architecture and the creators of film in his latest series of illustrations titled ‘archidirector’. ‘directors are like the architects of cinema.’ babina says. ‘they are those that build stories that like buildings envelop the viewer and carry it in a different world. each with their own style, language and aesthetics, think, plan design and build places and stories that host us for the duration of the movie.’
federico babina archidirector

babina has illustrated 27 imaginary houses that correlate to a collection of famous film directors, from wes anderson to stanley kubrick. varied styles and aesthetics sourced from film are interpreted as structural elements, colors, and materials, where the common denominator is a strong and defined personality. specific characteristic elements of a movie’s language is transposed and transformed into architectural geometries and. in cinema, every single detail of a film works towards building the unique, artistic personality of a director. babina explains that a similar approach is found in building design: the same thing happens in architecture where even the smallest detail helps to shape the imprint of an architect.
source: brasilelpais

E se Hitchcock, Kubrick e Fellini trocassem fotogramas por fachadas? Essa é a pergunta que o ilustrador italiano Federico Babina se fez, imaginando como seriam as casas dos cineastas mais míticos da história do cinema. Nesta que abre a fotogaleria, o ‘arquidiretor’ Kubrick integra o olho de Hal 9000, o robô assassino de ‘2001. Uma odisseia no espaço’, à fachada imaginária de sua casa.
source: designboomes

Federico Babina diseñó Archidirector, una serie de ilustraciones que compara el trabajo de los arquitectos con el de los creadores de películas. Los directores son como los arquitectos del cine, dice Babina. Ellos son los que construyen las historias que, al igual que los edificios, envuelven al espectador y lo llevan a explorar diferentes mundos. Con su propio estilo, lenguaje y estética, cada uno planea y construye lugares e historias que nos acogen durante el transcurso de las películas.

Babina ilustró 27 casas imaginarias de grandes directores que van desde Wes Anderson hasta Stanley Kubrick. La variedad de estilos y estéticas provenientes de los filmes se plasman como elementos estructurales, colores y materiales que tienen como común denominador la personalidad fuerte y definida de sus creadores.

En Archidirector, los elementos característicos del lenguaje cinematográfico se transponen y transforman en geometrías arquitectónicas. En el cine, cada detalle de una película construye la personalidad artística del director. Babina encuentra una aproximación parecida al momentos de diseñar una construcción: Lo mismo sucede en la arquitectura, donde hasta el más mínimo detalle ayuda a dar forma a la impronta de un arquitecto.
source: archdailycn

“这是一个喜欢电影的建筑师,” Federico Babina,这个意大利建筑师说到,他有着富有想象力的建筑风格插图。在他最新的设计中,Babina设想一个虚构的城市房屋,灵感来自许多有名的导演的电影,包括George Lucas, Charles Chaplin, Alfred Hitchcock, Wim Wenders和许多其他人。


source: hetediksorhu

A filmrendezésben és az épülettervezésben is sok közös dolog található. Noha az utóbbi több mérnöki munkával jár, mégis mindkettő az alapokra helyezi a legnagyobb hangsúlyt. Továbbá rengeteg tervezés és megannyi vázlat előzi meg a munka kezdetét, míg végül elérhető távolságba kerül a végkifejlet. Federico Babina kedvenc rendezőinek filmjeit elevenítette meg házak formájában.
source: hitekfr

C’est l’illustrateur Federico Babina qui vient de se pencher sur les maisons de très grands réalisateurs. Ce n’est pas la première fois qu’il essaye d’imaginer au mieux les maisons farfelues d’artistes ou personnalités. Il s’était notamment attaqué aux maisons de peintres très connus.

Cette fois, il a illustré les immenses maisons des grands réalisateurs comme George Lucas, Ridley Scott, Stanley Kubrick ou encore Tim Burton ! Il a fait très attention a respecter les univers de chaque réalisateur dans cette série d’illustrations baptisée ARCHIDIRECTOR.