



source: ufunknet

The UK based artist illustrator Johanna Basford has created a beautiful series of ink tattoos on sculptures for her solo exhibition at Dundee Contemporary Arts. Some fine, thin and clean monochrome illustrations, deep black, which invade the white characters and objects, creating amazing contrast. Johanna Basford works primarily in ink and pencils, preferring the energy and feel of manual drawing over digital drawings that she deems too cold.
source: mymodernmet

UK-based illustrator Johanna Basford transforms simple white surfaces into all kinds of captivating ink illustrations. Preferring pens and pencils to pixels, the artist says, “For me, computer generated graphics can feel cold and soulless whereas hand drawing captures a sense of energy and character which no pixel can ever replicate.” Every one of her illustration begins first as a pencil sketch, which she then further develops into the flora and fauna-inspired final designs.

In a recent exhibit at Dundee Contemporary Arts, Basford produced these two pieces entitled Inky Bodies and Sailing Ship. The collection features solid white sculptures covered with visually strong and invigorating hand-penned tattoos. Each drawing involves a complex series of interwoven lines and shapes that produce a sense of movement and lively energy. From a distance, the objects are covered in a gorgeous floral design but as viewers move closer, they will be pleasantly surprised by the incredible detail that is revealed. Basford says, “My delicate hand inked designs intend to charm and delight, inviting you to peer closer and discover the hidden intricacies.”
source: rgbvn

Johanna Basford, một họa sĩ minh họa đến từ Aberdeen, United Kingdom. Nghệ thuật đường nét (line art) của cô lấy cảm hứng từ thiên nhiên ở quê nhà Scotland và lan tỏa không có điểm dừng. Cùng “soi với RGB nhé!
source: kissuomoit

JOHANNA BASFORD, si descrive nel proprio sito come un illustratrice che preferisce inchiostro e matite ai pixel, crea intricate illustrazioni disegnate a mano, in prevelanza in bianco e nero.
Nata in Scozia confessa come la sua terra, ed in particolar modo il verde che circondava la sua terra natale abbia ispirato la gran parte delle sue creazioni.
Subito dopo essersi laureata al College of Art and Design di Dundee, aprii un piccolo studio dove iniziò il suo percorso artistico, scelta più che mai azzeccata visto che ora collabora con Brand di caratura mondiale per il re-design dei packaging come l’ Absolut Vodka, Starbucks o Smart. Qui vediamo la sua ultima creazione che mi fa venire voglia di comprare nuovi manichini da mettere in Store!!
source: fbiorgcn

乔汉娜·贝斯福(Johanna basford),是英国著名插画家,她擅长以黑白二原色勾勒出炫酷的作品。她不仅能从大自然中获得创作灵感,更能以各式各样饰品、织物为蓝图,创作出精美绝伦的作品。她曾与索尼、星巴克、绝对伏特加和爱丁堡艺术节合作。而今年令她声名大噪的,是她的涂色书《秘密花园》,该书简体中文版已由后浪引进,现已在京东、当当、亚马逊预售。
source: funtattooru

Johanna Basford — шотландская художница, которая в наш компьютерный век предпочитает всем благам, которые могут предложить художнику-иллюстратору современные технологии — карандаш, и не более того. Запутанные рисунки создаются исключительно вручную и сохраняют при этом симметрию компьютерной графики. Предпочтение художница отдаёт растительным черно-белым орнаментам.
source: journal-du-designfr

Johanna Basford, illustratrice basée au Royaume-Uni, utilise souvent de simples surfaces blanches pour y déposer ses illustrations captivantes. Préférant stylos et crayons aux pixels et ordinateurs, Johanna réalise pour une récente exposition au Dundee Contemporary Arts, trois oeuvres noircies de motifs à l’encre.

Puisant sa créativité dans la faune et la flore de son enfance, chaque dessin implique une série complexe de lignes et de formes entrelacées d’un design floral magnifique.