Shinji Ohmaki
source: shinjiohmakinet
1971年岐阜県生まれ。東京都在住。 「トーキョーワンダーウォール2000」に『Opened Eyes Closed Eyes』で入選以来、『Echoes』シリーズ(資生堂ギャラリー、水戸芸術館、熊本現代美術館、東京都現代美術館等)、『Liminal Air』(東京ワンダーサイト、ギャラリーA4、金沢21世紀美術館 、アジアパシフィック・トリエンナーレ2009、箱根彫刻の森美術館等)、『Memorial Rebirth』(横浜トリエンナーレ 2008)など、展示空間を非日常的な世界に生まれ変わらせ、鑑賞者の身体的な感覚を呼び覚ますダイナミックなインスタレーション作品やパブリックアートを発表している。
source: shinjiohmakinet
Was born in 1971 in Gifu, Japan. Associate Professor of Sculpture department of Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music. After being selected to exhibit his work “Opened Eyes Closed Eyes” at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government’s public exhibition “Tokyo Wonder Wall 2000” Ohmaki has been actively holding ambitious solo exhibitions, receiving much attention for his works: “ECHO” (Shiseido Gallery, Art Tower Mito, Contemporary Art Museum Kumamoto, Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo), “Liminar Air” (Tokyo Wonder Site, Gallery A4, 21 Century Museum of Contemporary Art Kanazawa, Asia Pacific Triennial 2009, The Hakone Open-Air Museum, etc.), “Memorial Rebirth” (Yokohama Triennale 2008 etc). Changing the exhibition space into the extraordinary world, Ohmaki presents dynamic installations and art works, which wake visitor’s physical senses.
source: laestampa
A artista japonesa Shinji Ohmaki, é conhecida pela peculiaridade da sua arte. Ela costuma preencher grandes espaços em branco com cores! Muitas, por sinal! Na instalação das fotos que ilustram esse post, ela e sua equipe preencheram as colunas e o chão de uma das salas do Museu de Arte de Cingapura.