


source: mymodernmet
In these photographs by Joschi Herczeg and Daniele Kaehr, the artistic team captures a single, exciting moment in a mundane, domestic surrounding. For this series Explosion, the team synchronized a camera with a custom-built detonator to snap a photo at the exact moment of explosion. The results are these mysterious blobs of light within domestic settings—a cloud hovering over an everyday lamp, a ghostly shape emerging from underneath a doorframe.

By freezing a split second of time in an unpredictable, explosive environment, Herczeg and Kaehr capture a moment of peace from an otherwise chaotic experience. Their bio describes, “Their fascination lay in making order out of chaos and freezing an ephemeral creation; each image is like a chance sculpture—the artists themselves were uncertain of the shape, colour and size they would form.”.
source: we-find-wildness
JOSCHI HERCZEG and DANIELE KAEHR create light illusions using highly complex pyrotechnics. In their series Explosion, they built a custom-made detonator, which is connected to the cameras and synchronized to snap a photo at the very moment of the explosion. In this way, they were able to capture motion and time in a split second of an explosion.

Their fascination lay in making order out of chaos and freezing an ephemeral creation; each image is like a chance sculpture – the artists themselves were uncertain of the shape, colour and size they would form. The explosions take place in a domestic setting to play upon feelings of anxiety and unrest.
source: bewaremag
Joschi Herczeg et Daniele Kaehr originaires de Suisse, surprennent le monde de la photographie en captant le mouvement le temps de la fraction de seconde qui compose une explosion.

Pour ce faire, les deux compères, ont utilisés des systèmes pyrotechniques bien spécifiques et ont eux-mêmes créer un dispositif de détonateur sur mesure, relié et synchronisé directement leur appareil photo.

Le résultat est impressionnant.
source: lifehaibao
艺术家Joschi Herczeg和Daniele Kaehr合作创作了一系列名为“Explosion”的摄影作品。他们在昏暗的场景里引爆特制火药,并用高速摄影镜头记录下爆炸的一瞬间。翻涌的烟雾,急速迸发的亮光,还有四溅的星火碎屑……本来转瞬即逝的爆炸瞬间被放大定格,散发着变幻莫测的神秘美感,你会不会对它充满好奇呢?