


source: petapixel
The cinemagraph genre is one of the most exciting to follow because, unlike almost every other type of “photography” (in quotes since you they aren’t photos in the traditional sense of the word), it’s not yet oversaturated with phenomenal work.

Almost everywhere you turn you’ll find a great street photographer, or landscape photographer, or fine art photographer. But when you stumble across a master at creating cinemagraphs, he or she is one of only a handful. Julien Douvier is one such photographer.

As you might remember, earlier this month we featured a number of Douvier’s cinemagraphs of moving water.

Douvier is based out of Strasbourg, France, and his ability to combine well-crafted photographic compositions with just a touch of motion somewhere in the frame makes his cinemagraphs some of the most compelling we’ve run across.

Not limited by one genre, his photographs range from landscapes and nature scenes to street photography, sometimes augmented by only the slightest bit of motion, and at other times completely wrapped up by it.
source: fubiznet
Basé en France, le photographe Julien Douvier nous offre ici une magnifique série de GIF animés, dans lesquels il s’est focalisé sur un élément spécifique. Cet élément, une personne, une goutte d’eau, un oiseau, sera en mouvement dans un environnement complètement figé. Une vision très poétique qui nous permet de réaliser à quel point ces petits détails sont beaux à contempler.