NOÉMIE GOUDAL | highlike



source: yatzer

Noemie Goudal is a young French artist/photographer, currently living and working in London, with such a particular view on art and artifice which cannot let anyone react to her with indifference. Through her work, she questions the limits between the real and the fantastic, often creating alternative landscapes by using the most ordinary elements. Her original installations, with her wide sized photographs as their core, have won her numerous loyal fans. Everything is about perspective in Goudal’s work, in what we really see as well as everything that we imagine. It’s also about where we stand exactly when we face her work and how willing we are to follow the new paths that she opens up, letting our dreams and illusions be our only guides. Noemie Goudal has an innate curiosity about people and their intimate stories. In the past she has been heavily inspired by the dreams and fears of ordinary people. She even tried to recreate these dreams and fears through her amazing photographs that formed the Escapism series (2008). Her more recent installations (Haven Her Body Was, 2011) go a step further, creating ‘doors’ to what many may perceive as a parallel world of illusions. A curtain may reveal a passage to an imaginary forest, a hole in a wall may be your chance to get in touch with your inner fantasy and a simple white sheet can make you wander away to the faraway sea. All is simple but at the same time complicated in Goudal’s universe, a place where nothing is exactly the way it seems to be at first glance. It may take some time to discover the multiple layers of Goudal’s work but it’s definitely worth endevouring to. Yatzer tried to cast some light onto this enigmatic artist through an exclusive interview that will hopefully give some answers.
source: edelassanti

Noemie Goudal’s photographic images document the artist’s interventions in the natural landscape and installations constructed within manmade environments. Her compositions juxtapose man-made structures and rural spaces, challenging our perceptions of the ‘real’ and ‘organic’, and the delicate relationships that societies develop with the surrounding world. Dislocated from any sense of familiarity, Goudal captures foreign, autonomous spaces, defying the spatio-temporal constraints of the photographic medium. Noemie Goudal graduated the Royal College of Art with distinction in 2010. Her work has been published in the British Journal of Photography, HotShoe, Vogue and Creative Review. Goudal’s work is included in major international collections including the Fotomuseum Winterthur, David Roberts and Conran Art Foundations and the Saatchi Collection. 2012 sees two of Goudal’s works included in the Saatchi Gallery’s Out of Focus exhibition in London. Goudal was runner up for the 2012 Paul Huf Award at the Foam Museum, Amsterdam, receiving high praise and notable mention from the judging panel. This work will form the basis of a major solo show in London in September at Edel Assanti, before touring to Milan in December.
source: telavivartdesign

Lives and works in London.

Noemie recreates small episodes from people’s lives. Some are based on their fantasies and others draw on their personal experiences. But what is common to all her work is Noemie’s ability to translate these anecdotes into a visual language using the narrative properties of the photograph to convey more than a literal document.

Noemie began taking pictures as a young teenager in her grandmother’s garden, where she would ask her sisters to dress up in costumes and play a role for the camera. She went on to study graphic design at college but when reviewing her final portfolio she realised that it was full of photography and stopped pursing a career as a designer and applied to St Martin’s College in London to study photography.

Her talent was quickly recognised when she won the photography prize at Central St Martins, the D&D Student of the Year Award in 2006 and also in the same year being awarded a merit in the Fujifilm competition.
source: trendsnow

Artiste d’origine française actuellement basée à Londres, un petit coup de projecteur sur les intéressantes installations et compositions de papier installées par Noémie Goudal dans des lieux abandonnés et des décors délabrés pour un rendu visuel et un impact des plus frappant.
source: pousta
Conozcan a Noemie Goudal, fotógrafa francesa que vive en Londres y se ha dedicado a tomar éstas originales fotografías componiendo nuevas escenas gracias a la unión distintas imágenes contrapuestas, que crean la ilusión de realidad.

En sus propias palabras “Busco la reconstrucción de nuevos paisajes“. El resultado está lleno de fragilidad y sobre todo, nostalgia.
source: photoblog

有人形容瀑布像絲綢一樣川流不息,這輯作品就真的找來真的白布來給你當瀑布看,遠看還分不出真假幾可亂真!藝術家Noemie Goudal在真實與虛幻之間模糊我們的視覺想像,製造出人工的另類風景。這些空間實際上是不存在,但作品卻有股張力吸引住你,在虛、假之間流連忘返。這輯作品《conception volumique》,是巴黎藝術家Noemie Goudal所製造的另類場景。在周圍環境的配合下,無論是樹林深谷或是老舊的倉庫,都如真似幻地展演「被隱藏」的風景,好像多啦A夢的隨意門一樣。就像童話故事的場景,可能利用一枝魔法鉛筆,就能畫出另一個空間,然後隨心所欲、自由進出。
source: arteffinal

A fotógrafa Noemie Goudal utiliza multidisciplinas para cria sua foto instalação. Praticamente na instalação criativa sugerida pela francesa, novas paisagens alternativas com teor fantasioso, nostálgico ou melancólico parecem lindas esculturas, mas, é esse jogo entre realidade e ficção tratada nas fotografias que torna suas obras de arte maravilhosas.
source: veryverybeautiful

Opere malinconiche e nostalgiche che spingono lo spettatore in mondi immaginari, sarà la realtà poi a tradire. GOUDAL lavora spesso con grandi fondali di carta, espone in location che confondono i limiti del reale e della finzione.