

flowers series


source: designboom
hands are reconceptualized as seeds and legs as leaves or petals in the photographic compositions created by los angeles-based artist cecelia webber, in which images of flowers, leaves, and butterflies are assembled from hundreds of photographs of the nude human form.
each composition can take up to two months to produce, and involves photographing scores of poses; digitally cutting, rotating, and colouring the resulting images; and assembling all of the components together into the finished piece. because even slight nuances of colour and form become magnified in their final context, webber frequently takes more than fifty photographs of a single pose to achieve the desired form. the artist also regularly uses herself as a subject, setting a camera timer and then orienting herself for the photograph.

‘the most difficult part,’ webber reflects, ‘is orchestrating the relationships between the different poses, and thinking of the human body as a three dimensional object collapsed into a 2D plane to form a shape.’

the production process necessarily involves significant sketching and planning to envision the poses required for the final image, but the final works also reflect an openness to experimenting with unexpected forms and relationships that arise during the process. in fact webber first began producing the series upon noticing the similarity of the human figure to a flower petal as she was taking an ordinary series of nude photographs, and began experimenting to see whether she could recreate an entire flower.

conceptually, the pieces are rooted in a desire to encourage the rethinking of the human body, recontextualizing it into the natural world of which it is a part:
‘nudity is sometimes thought of as a shameful thing, inspiring guilt or fear,’ webber notes, but fundamentally our body is the ‘medium through which each of us experiences reality, and the complex relationships within the body and its environment create the human psyche.’
source: beautifuldecay
Cecelia Webber‘s collage work features tessellated figures and limbs of the human body arranged to form images of plants and animals. Webber photographs nude models – including herself – in various poses before she digitally edits the images, cutting and coloring them to form particular parts of the new image. The final product features different bodies and body parts posed in the same positions. Many of the pieces take months to finish, but the longest image – the rose – took her a year to complete because of how tricky the angles were to capture and arrange. Webber creates an image with such a high resolution that they can be printed up to 6 feet tall, a size that would make the tessellated bodies even more pronounced and captivating.
“Each image takes many stages to create. I start by researching photos of the creature or plant I’m trying to create and then sketch poses I want to photograph in a notebook…I never warp my models or edit them to change them – it is important to me to portray real natural bodies. Once I have my photos I start laying out my piece and playing with colour and arrangements…Many drastic transformations take place during this stage, so it’s sort of magical, because so many different variations are possible. I feel many possibilities at once but the true form of my subject slowly emerges.”
source: enkilorg
Cecelia Webber es una artista americana nacida en New Hampshire que trabaja principalmente la fotografía digital experimental y la pintura en acrílico. Gran parte de su infancia la pasará en el campo capturando salamandras de color naranja. Fue una niña tímida, socialmente torpe que disfrutaba de la lectura y pasaba horas en busca de criaturas mágicas en pequeñas chozas abandonadas. El mundo se le hacía extraño a medida que iba creciendo y en su cabeza resonaban preguntas que derribaban el marco de la realidad. ¿Porque nos hacen sentir tan avergonzados del cuerpo humano en la cultura occidental? ¿No es el cuerpo una cosa hermosa, maravillosa que merece ser celebrada y destacada? Estos pensamientos sentarían la base de sus futuros trabajos.
source: panoramait
Opere particolarmente intense, che sottolineano il profondo legame che ogni essere umano ha con la natura.
Fiori, uccelli, farfalle. Soggetti coloratissimi che vibrano su sfondi neri come la notte. Soggetti che ad uno sguardo più attento rivelano la loro essenza: corpi umani. Tanti, tantissimi minuscoli corpi che nell’ insieme formano composizione fantastiche.
Corpi nudi minuziosamente fotografati, sapientemente manipolati grazie alla grafica computerizzata e assemblati in fantasiosi collage. E’ così che l’ artista statunitense Cecelia Webber realizza le incredibili immagini che vi proponiamo.
Amata e apprezzata universalmente, la Webber ha esposto in tutto il mondo, Italia compresa, protagonista di personali e collettive.
La serie da cui è tratta la gallery ‘Human Bodies Art’ è visibile (insieme alle altre sue opere) sul sito di Cecelia Webber e sulla pagina Facebook dell’artista.
source: trendsurvivor
Απίστευτες… Πρωτότυπες… Πανέμορφες… Καλλιτεχνικές.. Φωτογραφίες!!!! Οι ψηφιακές εικόνες της Cecelia Weber είναι πραγματικά συγκλονιστικές!!! Απόλυτα ρεαλιστικές συνθέσεις που απεικονίζουν λουλούδια και πεταλούδες … αποκλειστικά και μόνο από φωτογραφίες γυμνών ανθρώπων. Οι εμπνευσμένες ψηφιακές συνθέσεις της Cecelia Weber ήταν ακριβώς αυτό που αναζητούσα για την πρωτομαγιά που για μένα συμβολίζει την ομορφιά της φύσης και ειδικά των λουλουδιών. Όταν τις πρώτο-είδα δεν μπορούσα να σταματήσω να παρατηρώ τις λεπτομέρειες και να θαυμάζω τον τρόπο με τον οποίο μετατρέπει ανθρώπινα χέρια σε καρπούς λουλουδιού και πόδια σε φύλλα και ροδοπέταλα! Οι φωτογραφικές συνθέσεις απεικονίζουν τοοσο πιστά αληθινά πανέμορφα λουλούδια που είναι πραγματικά εντυπωσιακές!
source: deghinlivejournal
Սեսիլյա Վեբերը զանազան բույսերի պատկերներ է ստեղծում մերկ մարդկային մարմինների լուսանկարների համադրման միջոցով։ Իր մի կոմպոզիցիան ստանալու համար Սեսիլիան ծախսում է մոտ երկու ամիս։ Իսկ ստացված բուսական պատկերներն ապշելու չափ իրական տեսք ունեն։ Շատ դեպքերում նույնիսկ առաջին հայացքից հնարավոր չէ գլխի ընկնել, որ դրանք բնական ծաղիկներ չեն, այլ մարդկային մարմիններից կազմված կոմպոզիցիաներ։ Հետաքրքիր է յուրաքանչյուր ծաղկի նկարը «դրսից» նայելուց հետո նաև «ներսից» ուսումնասիրելը՝ բացահայտելով դրանց «մարդկային» բաղադրիչները.