

largest interactive light installation


source: tokyodesignweekjp
オーストラリアの照明システム会社、Klik Systemsがシドニーの最も新しい商業地区、ダーリング・クウォーターにてDarling quarter Commonwealth Bank、Sydney Harbour Foreshore Authority、Lend Leaseの協力のもとに カナダ人の照明ディレクター、Bruce Ramus氏の指揮による世界最大のインターアクティブな光のインスタレーションを行なった。

敷地に建つキャンパススタイルの2棟の4階建て建物全体に広がる静と動のLED光のインスタレーションによって、建物のファサードはデジタルアートの背景に変わる。150mの長さに及ぶ557枚の窓敷居に備え付けられたLEDは、建物の屋上に設置されたソーラーパネルから供給される太陽エネルギーで100%稼働しており、このアート作品のためにKlik Systemsが特別に電球と操作パネルを開発した。

ユーザーが独自のデジタルデザインによって建物のファサードを塗り替えられるインターアクティブなブースを通して、光り輝くファサードが見る人の目を引く。またインターネット利用者はスマートフォンもしくはウェブサイト「my interactive city」にアクセスすることで、この鮮やかなインスタレーションに遠くからでも参加することができる。実際にファサードに現れる前に多少の修正を加えられる場合があるので、デザインのエントリーから企画者によるその承認が完了するまで5分かかる。このように「Luminous」では実際にインターアクティブ・ブースに訪れた人たちの操作だけでなく、海外からのアクセスによって建物の外観全体に鮮やかな光の動きをもたらすことが可能。

光とアートデザインの祭り、VIVID sydney 2012は2012年6月11日まで開催。.
source: designboom
‘luminous’ by klik systems, 2012 the tiny leds along the inside of each windowsill and control system have been developed by klik systems image by david clare and courtesy the designers
australian lighting company klik systems has created ‘luminous’ the word’s largest interactive light installation in sydney’s newest commercial area, darling quarter orchestrated by canadian light director bruce ramus with support from darling quarter commonwealth bank, sydney harbour foreshore authority, and lend lease.
the animated and still LED light installation extends over four levels of the site’s two campus-style buildings, transforming their facades into a digital art canvas. the work spans over 557 windows at a distance of 150 meters and is powered by 100% solar energy generated by solar panels arranged upon the building’s rooftop. the artwork’s bulbs and control panel have been developed by klik systems.
the public may engage with the lit facade through the use of interactive booths in which the user may paint their own digital designs upon the front of the building. internet users may remotely add to the vibrant installation through either the use of a smart phone app or website, entitled my interactive city. a five-minute time-lapse between the submission of the design and its approval by the organizers so that they may fine-tune designs before they go live. in this way, ‘luminous’ is dictated not solely by visitors physically present at the interactive booths, but actualize brilliant movement of light across the building’s exterior from abroad as well. VIVID sydney 2012 light, art and design festival is on now until june 11th, 2012.
source: revistacasaejardimglobo
A fachada de dois prédios localizados em uma praça de Sydney, na Austrália, ganhou um visual diferente, que será mantido até o dia 11 de junho. As construções receberam a maior instalação luminosa e interativa do mundo, durante o festival Vivid Sydney. Totalmente abastecida por energia solar, a obra formada por lâmpadas LED foi batizada de Luminous. Ao todo, ela ocupa 557 janelas e tem uma extensão de 150 metros.

Quem passa pelo local pode alterar as cores e os desenhos formados por elas, com a ajuda de botões localizados em painéis, dentro de cabines. De longe, também é possível brincar com as figuras, já que elas podem ser modificadas por um aplicativo de celular e também pelo site My Interactive City. “A intenção é trazer luz e diversão à comunidade e juntar as pessoas a serviço da criação de luz e arte para que todo mundo possa aproveitar”, explicam os autores, no site oficial. Antes de aparecerem na fachada, contudo, as figuras precisam ser aprovadas por uma comissão de designers. A iniciativa é da empresa australiana de iluminação Klik Systems e coordenada pelo canadense Bruce Ramus.