

يوري سوزوكي
File Festival

By EPFL + ECAL lab in collaboration with Yuri Suzuki Direction: Nicolas Henchoz Designer: Yuri Suzuki Engineering: Gavrilo Bozovic, Fanny Riedo Software development: Gavrilo Bozovic, Fanny Riedo, Eric Morzier A microphone-controlled drumkit. Renowned as an artist for his projects questioning the materiality of sound, Yuri Suzuki has his own way of looking at augmented reality. For Berlin, he is creating an installation which will enable anyone to control a set of drums with their own voice. He harnesses the principles of augmented reality to interpret them in the realm of sound.


Le Sound Taxi est équipé d’un microphone qui enregistre le bruit ambiant: le grondement de la circulation, les freins bruyants, les sirènes, les travaux de construction font tous partie du vacarme quotidien de la ville. Un logiciel spécialement conçu et écrit en Max analyse les fréquences de ces bruits et les utilise pour générer une musique unique en temps réel. Le spectre est divisé en 25 bandes de fréquences, comme un égaliseur graphique, ces bandes sont utilisées pour contrôler différents types de sons dans Ableton Live. Par exemple, un faible grondement démarre une ligne de basse ou un fort sifflement déclencherait des salutations, le volume de ce bruit contrôlant le volume de la musique. La musique générée correspond à la dynamique de la rue, les sons changeront et évolueront au fur et à mesure que vous conduisez dans différentes parties de la ville.

Roberto Pugliese

Equilibrium Variant
This work has the purpose of exploring the occurrence of the Larsen effect (also known as feedback) through the use of mobile devices in a three-dimensional space. The distinctive screech of the Larsen effect typically occurs when a microphone catches the sound emitted by a speaker. It engages when the microphone is located too close to the speaker, and gets in the way of its frequency. The microphone amplifies and reproduces the speaker’s frequency with an ever-increasing width, virtually unlimited, in practice stopped by the amplifier’s clip. On a ground support, two mechanical arms are located. At the end of one arm there is a microphone, and on the end of the other there is a speaker. A software, created with this specific purpose, manages the position of the arms in a dynamic way, and provides that the distance between the microphone and the speaker never causes the amplifier to clip. This way, the system tends to reach an equilibrium that is physically impossible to attain. The struggle to balance creates an acoustic and visual dimension that is never the same: the frequency of feedback and the movements of the mechanical arms are always different and change in real time.