

“Poem for an artificial intelligence”

the sun is a beautiful thing

in silence is drawn

between the trees

only the beginning of light

this realm of rain

grey sky and cloud

it’s quite and peaceful

safe allowed

And, arguably, worse:

I am a coal-truck

by a broken heart

I have no sound

the sound of my heart

I am not

Aidan Meller

Ai-Da est le premier artiste ultra-réaliste au monde. Elle dessine en utilisant des caméras dans ses yeux, ses algorithmes d’IA et son bras robotique. Créée en février 2019, elle a eu sa première exposition solo à l’Université d’Oxford, « Unsecured Futures », où son art a encouragé les téléspectateurs à réfléchir à notre monde en évolution rapide. Depuis, elle a voyagé et exposé des œuvres à l’échelle internationale, et a eu sa première exposition dans un grand musée, le Design Museum, en 2021. Elle continue de créer de l’art qui remet en question nos notions de créativité dans une ère post-humaniste.

So Kanno

Asemic Languages
Characters are a means of visual communication and recording a language. Civilizations throughout the world have created various characters, which convey their culture and history. This project focuses purely on the form of the characters rather than their meaning. The characters have been learned by artificial intelligence (AI) not for their meaning but for their shape and patterns. AI has created and drawn lines that look like characters but do not have any meaning. By learning handwriting with one writer in each language, artificial intelligence collected information on the shapes of each character system, as well the idiosyncrasies of each writer, of a AI, to possess a plotter.


Abysmal means bottomless; resembling an abyss in depth; unfathomable. Perception is a procedure of acquiring, interpreting, selecting, and organizing sensory information. Perception presumes sensing. In people, perception is aided by sensory organs. In the area of AI, perception mechanism puts the data acquired by the sensors together in a meaningful manner. Machine perception is the capability of a computer system to interpret data in a manner that is similar to the way humans use their senses to relate to the world around them. Inspired by the brain, deep neural networks (DNN) are thought to learn abstract representations through their hierarchical architecture. The work mostly shows the ‘hidden’ transformations happening in a network: summing and multiplying things, adding some non-linearities, creating common basic structures, patterns inside data. It creates highly non-linear functions that map ‘un-knowledge’ to ‘knowledge’.

Rob Seward

Death Death Death
File Festival
“Death Death Death” is book written by an algorithm. It utilizes a word association study conducted by the University of South Florida between 1976 and 1998. It contains over 10,000 words and their associations to each other. “Death Death Death” traces a path from each word to the word death. The book starts off with the words most closely associated to death. The beginning reads like this: Life – Death Funeral – Death Coffin – Death. Later, it takes several associative leaps to get to death: Enthusiasm – Spirit – Soul – Death Folly – Funny – Sad – Death Bahamas – Paradise – Heaven – Death Waggle – Wiggle – Worm – Maggot – Death. Reading soon becomes humorous, as every line reads like a joke-death is always the punchline. “Death Death Death” is 405 pages, contains an index so you can find any word, and a detailed description of the algorithm. Death Death Death was nominated for the 2010 File Prix Lux in the Digital Languages category.