
olafur eliasson

اولافور الياسون
אולאפור אליאסון
earth perspectives
The earth as viewed from above the SouthPole, one of nine-part series
The pole is at the heart of the virtually uninhabited continent of Antarctica, a vital ice-covered wildlife haven that is under threat from rapid warming and ice loss.


Лита Альбукерке
stellar axis aligns 99 blue spheres to stars in the antarctic sky
The Stellar Axis land art project is currently being deployed in Antarctica, to be completed for the Southern hemisphere Summer Solstice on 22 December 2006.
Perhaps the largest and most ambitious arts project to take place in Antarctica, Stellar Axis is the work of the internationally known, Los Angeles based artist, Lita Albuquerque, and is sponsored by the US National Science Foundation and US Antarctic Programme.
The concept is to mirror the southern constellations through the placement of 99 blue spheres on the Ross Ice Shelf in Antarctica.


untitled antarctica: ice gouge

A suspended video sculpture made out of glass, ice gouge, is informed largely by topographical submarine seismic data pulled from beneath the icy waters around Antarctica. While it evokes the terrain shaped by glaciers, ice gouge also denotes the icebergs that shape-shift into asymmetrical forms as they break down over time into water.