

Drawing on Pantone Color of the Year 2020 Classic Blue’s inspirational qualities, “Celestial” takes visitors on a journey beyond the skies. This technology-powered, multi-sensory installation transcends space and time— pushing the limits of our imagination and opening up a new realm of possibilities. Submerge yourself in the sights, sounds and sensations of Classic Blue.


Inspired by the color blue’s calming qualities, Aqueous is a deep dive into our water-filled surroundings. Whether looking out at the vast horizon of the ocean or listening to the bubbling flow of a stream, water instills a sense of peace and relaxation. Through exploring the textures of liquid in all its states, this immersive installation seeks to soothe the spirit and inspire action to preserve this natural resource.

László Moholy-Nagy

Light Space Modulator

“This piece of lighting equipment is a device used for demonstrating both plays of light and manifestations of movement. The model consists of a cube-like body or box, 120 x 120 cm in size, with a circular opening (stage opening) at its front side. On the back of the panel, mounted around the opening are a number of yellow, green, blue, rot, and white-toned electric bulbs (approximately 70 illuminating bulbs of 15 watts each, and 5 headlamps of 100 watts). Located inside the body, parallel to its front side, is a second panel; this panel too, bears a circular opening about which are mounted electric lightbulbs of different colors. In accordance with a predetermined plan, individual bulbs glow at different points. They illuminate a continually moving mechanism built of partly translucent, partly transparent, and partly fretted materials, in order to cause the best possible play of shadow formations on the back wall of the closed box”. László Moholy-Nagy



“Da Vinci”: a name evocative of masterpieces in the history of art, but also a remotely manipulated medical robot allowing surgeons to perform operations. Yuri Ancarani, filmmaker and artist, with this film gives us access to the interior of a human body, in shades of blue evoking the “grotta azzura”, a mythical maritime cave in Capri. Here is observed the dance of the machines, a sign not of a dehumanized environment, but on the contrary of a human intelligence at work.


Wall in Blue Ash Tree
Née à Hawaï à la fin des années 70, c’est au milieu des grands espaces naturels du Colorado que l’artiste américaine Letha Wilson a passé sa jeunesse. Diplômée en Arts Plastiques et aujourd’hui installée à New-York depuis près de 15 ans, elle a gardé un goût pour l’Ouest américain et la nature, des thèmes forts qu’elle utilise comme point de départ de ses photos-sculptures.