
Klaus Obermaier, Kyle McDonald and Daito Manabe


奥地利多媒体艺术家兼编舞克劳斯·奥伯迈尔(Klaus Obermaier)在舞蹈和工艺艺术领域进行不断的实验,与媒体艺术研究中的其他两个参考文献联手,日本人Daito Manabe(现在是该音乐节的常客),而美国的Kyle McDonald也出席了本次艺术节。 Jardin des Plantes的装置Light Leaks。发表演艺术中各种形式的互动,“跨颅”是一项合作研究与创造项目的一部分,在这里,表演是工作的阶段之一。经颅尤其涉及电磁刺激及其对神经元的影响。在外部命令的冲动下(如Face Visualizer中的Daito Manabe所实践的那样),身体和大脑似乎受到功能失调,异常和不良行为的影响,而正是从数字技术中借来的这三个要素是其中一。

Daito Manabe

El célebre diseñador, artista, investigador y productor Daito Manabe trabaja en la intersección de la ciencia, la música, la performance y la tecnología. Su actuación se desarrolla, como es habitual, entre la performance audiovisual, la danza y una conferencia.


真鍋 大 度

One of the new technology projects from the programmer and artist Daito Manabe based in Tokyo, Japan, centres on experimental music performances and connects a person’s face to electric sensors. This innovative system lets you ‘play’ your face like a musical instrument with the help of facial movements that trigger sounds. Electrical stimulation makes a face twitch involuntary, each twitch matches the beat of the music.


Daito Manabe

真鍋 大 度

Perfume is Japan’s top techno-pop girl trio – Nocchi, Kashiyuka and Aa-Chan – whose music and synchronised dance sessions have won them a global online fan base. This year they have had their first sellout European tour. Their distinctive sound is the work of Japanese electronic music guru Yasatuka Nakata who has been their music producer since 2003. Their stunning performance at the Lions International Festival of Creativity at Cannes recently was the result of their collaboration with leading Japanese techno-artist Daito Manabe. Manabe is one of a new generation of programmers whose genre-crossing work has placed him at the cutting edge of techno-art-music-performance. His art embraces dynamic sensory programming, projection mapping and body capture; lasers, robots and sonar.


particles at ycam

In this “illumination installation”, blinking lights floating in midair create a fantastic afterimage.

A giant rail construction with an organically spiral-shaped spatial structure is put up in the exhibition space. Rolling on that rail are countless balls with built-in full-color LEDs and communication devices. From terminals set up inside the venue, visitors can send commands to the balls to control the timing and coloration of their blinking, and thereby draw three-dimensional afterimage in the air. Through the fusion of a minutely designed rail construction and communication control technology, an unprecedented form of spatial expression was realized in the form of a flexible “light structure“.


真鍋 大 度
Стул для тишины состоит из двух элементов.
Первый – стул, способный производить 32 вибрации, второй – музыка из 34 треков для осязания и слуха. Люди могут испытать это, сев на стул и уронив иглу фонографа. Мы можем распознать стремление к чувственной необычности, общности и взаимодействию.
между звуками и вибрацией этого шезлонга. Вибрация вибраторов составляет от 5 до 120 Гц, а звуки из наушников – от 5 до 80 Гц. 34 дорожки (2 канала * 14) звуковых файлов контролируются сигналом от мисс Пинки. Это значит, что на одной записи можно вычеркнуть 34 трека. Дополнительные характеристики и изображения после прыжка, если это все еще не имеет смысла. . Секрет этой магии – «мисс Пинки», контрольная запись для царапания, которую можно использовать с пользовательским программным обеспечением. (Объект для использования в модульной среде Max / MSP включен в пакет.) Теперь, если вы можете точно выяснить, что происходит на этих диаграммах, вы меня опередите. Но это увлекательный способ слушать записи – э-э, звук с 34 дорожками – э-э, сидя. У Дайто есть длинный список других проектов, связанных с авангардным диджеингом и живым видео.


Figure Discrete
Esecutori umani incontrano corpi generati dal computer, visualizzazioni calcolate del movimento incontrano droni svolazzanti! L’intelligenza artificiale e le macchine di autoapprendimento fanno apparire questa tavolozza inedita di progetti di movimento, progetti che trascendono di gran lunga i confini dell’articolazione umana, consentendo uno sguardo profondo nel mondo astratto dell’elaborazione dei dati. Il team di Rhizomatiks Research, guidato dall’artista, programmatore, designer dell’interazione e DJ giapponese Daito Manabe, riunisce il potere collettivo con un numero di esperti, tra cui i cinque ballerini ELEVENPLAY del coreografo MIKIKO e dell’artista di programmazione Kyle McDonald. Il risultato è un’immagine mozzafiato, realizzata magnificamente, insomma: visivamente sbalorditiva.

Rhizomatiks Research ELEVENPLAY Kyle McDonald

discrete figures 2019

Human performers meet computer-generated bodies, calculated visualisations of movement meet flitting drones! Artificial intelligence and self-learning machines make this previously unseen palette of movement designs appear, designs that far transcend the boundaries of human articulateness, allowing for a deep glimpse into the abstract world of data processing. The Rhizomatiks Research team, led by Japanese artist, programmer, interaction designer and DJ Daito Manabe, gathers collective power with a number of experts, among them the five ELEVENPLAY dancers of choreographer MIKIKO as well as from coding artist Kyle McDonald. The result is a breathtaking, implemented beautifully, in short: visually stunning.

Mansai Nomura

MANSAI: Kaitai-Shinsho No.30 Special Edition “5W1H”
5W refers to the five interrogatives; “When, Where, Who, What and Why”, while 1H refers to the interrogative “How”. In this work, Manabe attempts to encode humans’ attitudes to these six enquiry words in an effort to explore the primitive roots of interpersonal expression, and illuminate the fundamental sources of human behavior. By converting such factors into numerical information, while drawing also on analog thinking, the piece is a search for further understanding human nature.
Planned by Mansai Nomura
Visual Design/Technical Direction:Daito Manabe+Motoi Ishibashi+Rhizomatiks Research
Music: Daito Manabe + Hopebox
Cast: Mansai Nomura, Yuichi Otsuki, Mansaku no kai