

Figure Discrete
Esecutori umani incontrano corpi generati dal computer, visualizzazioni calcolate del movimento incontrano droni svolazzanti! L’intelligenza artificiale e le macchine di autoapprendimento fanno apparire questa tavolozza inedita di progetti di movimento, progetti che trascendono di gran lunga i confini dell’articolazione umana, consentendo uno sguardo profondo nel mondo astratto dell’elaborazione dei dati. Il team di Rhizomatiks Research, guidato dall’artista, programmatore, designer dell’interazione e DJ giapponese Daito Manabe, riunisce il potere collettivo con un numero di esperti, tra cui i cinque ballerini ELEVENPLAY del coreografo MIKIKO e dell’artista di programmazione Kyle McDonald. Il risultato è un’immagine mozzafiato, realizzata magnificamente, insomma: visivamente sbalorditiva.

Klaus Obermaier, Kyle McDonald and Daito Manabe


奥地利多媒体艺术家兼编舞克劳斯·奥伯迈尔(Klaus Obermaier)在舞蹈和工艺艺术领域进行不断的实验,与媒体艺术研究中的其他两个参考文献联手,日本人Daito Manabe(现在是该音乐节的常客),而美国的Kyle McDonald也出席了本次艺术节。 Jardin des Plantes的装置Light Leaks。发表演艺术中各种形式的互动,“跨颅”是一项合作研究与创造项目的一部分,在这里,表演是工作的阶段之一。经颅尤其涉及电磁刺激及其对神经元的影响。在外部命令的冲动下(如Face Visualizer中的Daito Manabe所实践的那样),身体和大脑似乎受到功能失调,异常和不良行为的影响,而正是从数字技术中借来的这三个要素是其中一。

Rhizomatiks Research ELEVENPLAY Kyle McDonald

discrete figures 2019

Human performers meet computer-generated bodies, calculated visualisations of movement meet flitting drones! Artificial intelligence and self-learning machines make this previously unseen palette of movement designs appear, designs that far transcend the boundaries of human articulateness, allowing for a deep glimpse into the abstract world of data processing. The Rhizomatiks Research team, led by Japanese artist, programmer, interaction designer and DJ Daito Manabe, gathers collective power with a number of experts, among them the five ELEVENPLAY dancers of choreographer MIKIKO as well as from coding artist Kyle McDonald. The result is a breathtaking, implemented beautifully, in short: visually stunning.

Golan Levin, Chris Sugrue and Kyle McDonald

The Augmented Hand Series
The “Augmented Hand Series” (by Golan Levin, Chris Sugrue, and Kyle McDonald) is a real-time interactive software system that presents playful, dreamlike, and uncanny transformations of its visitors’ hands. It consists of a box into which the visitor inserts their hand, and a screen which displays their ‘reimagined’ hand—for example, with an extra finger, or with fingers that move autonomously. Critically, the project’s transformations operate within the logical space of the hand itself, which is to say: the artwork performs “hand-aware” visualizations that alter the deep structure of how the hand appears.


Face Substitution

Faces is an interactive installation result of the work on face substitution in collaboration with Arturo Castro

“The installation is based on the idea of wishing for a new identity: when the subject first steps up, they see their face unmodified. After closing their eyes to make a wish and opening them again, they discover they are wearing a new face. The result is a mixture of a playful, surprising and some times scary experience.This installation takes advantage of the unique experience of slowly recognizing yourself as someone else playing also with the concept of the uncanny valley by showing a face that perfecly matches the visitors facial expresion but still has some lighting and texturing imperfections. This elicits everything from laughter, to surprise, or repulsion.Knowing that it takes approximately one second for someone to respond to a completely unexpected event, we store a photograph at 1.5 seconds after the swap — capturing that moment of realization.”Arturo Castro




Aether celebrates the five Platonic solids representing the elements of earth, air, water, fire and the heavens, without which there would be nothing. Using the Octave’s 14 projectors with a combination of projection mapping techniques, motion capture and wave field synthesis technologies to create an absorbing audiovisual space is to presented for and explored by a single vistor immersive single-person experience.