

Riflessioni su una scatola di vetro
“Riflessioni su una scatola di vetro” occupa l’intero piano terra dell’edificio progettato da jean nouvel, generando un ambiente coinvolgente e accattivante suddiviso tra due spazi adiacenti della galleria. Nel primo volume, una perdita fabbricata nel soffitto genera singole goccioline d’acqua, che poi cadono da 12 punti specificati nel tetto della struttura. Ogni goccia viene quindi catturata in basso in un secchio robotico rosso che si muove in sincronia con l’acqua che cade. Allo stesso tempo, un enorme schermo LED appeso all’interno della galleria adiacente invita i visitatori a vedere il soffitto di nouvel dalla prospettiva del secchio, proiettando un’immagine ondulata e distorta.

diller scofidio + renfro

musings on a glass box
‘Musings on a glass box’ occupies the entire ground floor of the jean nouvel-designed building, generating an immersive and captivating environment split between two adjacent gallery spaces. In the first volume, a fabricated leak in the ceiling generates single droplets of water, which then fall from 12 specified points in the structure’s roof. Each drip is then caught below in a red robotic bucket that moves in synchronization with the falling water. At the same time, an enormous LED screen hung within the neighboring gallery invites visitors to view nouvel’s ceiling from the perspective of the bucket, projecting a wavy and distorted image.

Raven Kwok

“A collaboration with Symmetry Labs at Gray Area Foundation for the Arts in San Francisco. Derivatives of multiple generative rules I designed in the past were adapted to an interactive LED floor. The video demo includes 6 visual sets and transitions in between. Set 01 is an adaption of 1DFBD, which was also used in a couple of projection mapping tests in 2014. Set 03 is derived from an untitled turbulence piece created in 2014 as well. Similar to Set 03, all agents in Set 04 are driven by 3D Perlin Noise flow field. However, instead of being an emitter spawning agents, each dot functions as an attractor intervening in the flow, same way as it did in 2BCD.”Raven Kwok