
Patty Carroll

Anonyme Femme
Voor haar serie “Anonieme Vrouwen” drapeerde fotografe Patty Carroll vrouwen met verschillende stoffen en textiel. Het lijkt er zelfs op dat de vrouwen op deze manier verdwijnen in het interieur van de woning. Alsof hun identiteit op deze manier van ze ontnomen wordt.

Patty Carroll

Anonymous Women
In the latest narratives, “Demise,” the woman becomes the victim of domestic disasters. Her activities, obsessions and objects are overwhelming her. Her home has become a site of tragedy. The scenes of her heartbreaking end are loosely inspired by several sources including the game of clue, where murder occurs in one of five rooms of the house: Dining Room, Kitchen, Hall, Conservatory, and Library.

Patty Carroll

Anonymous Women: Draped

“Photographers observe, comment, criticize, and make fun of the worlds we live in by interacting with reality, and visibly displaying those perceptions in images. My training was as a straight, documentary photographer, but I stray back into the studio to make up fictional worlds.”