

Supervising Sound Editors Mark Stoeckinger and Victor Ennis, Sound Re-recording Mixers Ron Bartlett and Doug Hemphill, Sound Designers Ann Scibelli and Alan Rankin, and Sound Effects Researcher Charlie Campagna

Meiro Koizumi

Prometheus Bound
In Greek Mythology, Prometheus stole fire (technology) from Zeus and gave it to humans, and for this, he got crucified on a mountaintop, and had to endure the eternal pain as a punishment. Since the beginning of our civilization, technology has been the source of prosperity and development. But also it has been the cause of great tragedies such as war sand nuclear accidents. Setting the Aeschylus Greek tragedy “Prometheus Bound” as a starting point, Koizumi created VR (Virtual Reality) theater which deals with this age-old tension between humanity and technology, through collaboration with a person who is desperately longing for the technological advancement – a person who is suffering from ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis- the deadly neurological disease that make a person paralyzed). Through the dialogues with the man about his personal life and his visions of the future, they created a sci-fi vision in which past and future, self and others, humans and machines are all merged into one sequence of abstract VR theatrical experience.

Meiro Koizumi

Prometheus gebonden
In de Griekse mythologie stal Prometheus vuur (technologie) van Zeus en gaf het aan mensen, en hiervoor werd hij gekruisigd op een bergtop en moest hij de eeuwige pijn als straf ondergaan. Sinds het begin van onze beschaving is technologie de bron van welvaart en ontwikkeling geweest. Maar het is ook de oorzaak geweest van grote tragedies zoals kernongevallen met oorlogszand. Met de Griekse tragedie van Aeschylus “Prometheus Bound” als uitgangspunt, creëerde Koizumi VR-theater (Virtual Reality) dat zich bezighoudt met deze eeuwenoude spanning tussen menselijkheid en technologie, door samenwerking met een persoon die wanhopig verlangt naar de technologische vooruitgang – een persoon die lijdt aan ALS (Amyotrofische Laterale Sclerose – de dodelijke neurologische ziekte die een persoon verlamd maakt). Door de dialogen met de man over zijn persoonlijke leven en zijn visies op de toekomst, creëerden ze een sci-fi visie waarin verleden en toekomst, zelf en anderen, mensen en machines allemaal worden samengevoegd tot één opeenvolging van abstracte VR-theatrale ervaring.

Ridley Scott

David, Artificial Intelligence

Prometheus & Alien Covenant

“Since the first sequence, when he interacts briefly with the man who gave him life and soon realizes the stupidity of his mania for greatness, the android demonstrates wanting even more than what he received at birth. Could he, a creature, become a creator?” Virgílio Souza


Thomas Feuerstein


The marble sculpture PROMETHEUS DELIVERED – a replica of Prometheus Bound by Nicolas Sébastien Adam (1762) – is slowly decomposed by chemolithoautotrophic bacteria. The acidic process water from the bioreactor KAZBEK penetrates the body of the sculpture via tubes and runs off the surface of the stone. The limestone turns into gypsum while the sculpture slowly dissolves. The biomass of the bacteria is the energy source for human liver cells from which the organic sculpture OCTOPLASMA grows. Inorganic stone turns into organic meat. PROMETHEUS DELIVERED is a play on words, referring to birth in the sense of “delivery”, and to the central importance of the liver in myth.