

سلفادور دالي
סלבדור דאלי
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Сальвадор Дали
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In Voluptas Mors

“In Voluptas Mors” (“Voluptuous Death”), is probably one of the most complex portraits I have ever seen alongside Halsman’s “Dali Atomicus” which took 28 attempts! “In Voluptas Mors” is again a carefully considered and planned out portrait of the surrealistic Spanish artist Salvador Dalí, made in collaboration with photographer Philippe Halsman (1951). The image depicts Dalí posing beside a giant ‘skull’, a tableau vivant (or “living picture”) comprising of seven nude female models in beautiful mind blogging poses. As you can imagine it took a considerable amount of time to create this wonderful photograph. It took all in all Halsman and Dali three hours to arrange the models according to Dalí’s precise sketch.



سلفادور دالي
סלבדור דאלי
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Сальвадор Дали
Charles Henri Ford


When French producers asked Jodorowsky to adapt Dune, he was at the peak of his prestige.
…Jodorowsky’s Dune shows, the director managed to assemble a jaw-dropping group of talent for the film. This version of Dune was set to star David Carradine, Orson Welles, Salvador Dali and Mick Jagger. It was going to have Pink Floyd do the soundtrack. And it was going to have the then unknown artist H. R. Giger along with French comic BOOK artist Jean Giraud, otherwise known as Moebius, design the sets. Sadly, Jodorowsky’s grand vision proved to be too grand for the film’s financiers and they pulled the plug. The movie clearly belongs in the pantheon – along with Stanley Kubrick’s Napoleon and Welles’s Heart of Darkness – of the greatest movies never made. Compared to those other films, though, Jodorowsky’s movie sounds way groovier.

Nathan Shipley

Dali Lives
Using an artificial intelligence (AI)-based face-swap technique, known as “deepfake” in the technical community, the new “Dalí Lives” experience employs machine learning to put a likeness of Dalí’s face on a target actor, resulting in an uncanny resurrection of the moustacheod master. When the experience opens, visitors will for the first time be able to interact with an engaging life-like Salvador Dalí on a series of screens throughout the Dalí Museum.


The portfolio of Art Director and photographer Leon Steele, look like something Salvador Dali would have produced, were he alive and working in advertising nowadays. Steele works as a freelance professional, currently collaborating with Art Directors from the most prestigious ad agencies in London (BBH London, most often).

todd baxter

تود باكستر
owl scouts

Imagina que la perfección formal del cineasta Wes Anderson se combina con el delirio surrealista del pintor Salvador Dalí… en una serie de fotografías. Todd Baxter es un fotógrafo norteamericano que ha logrado condensar el talento de estos dos maestros del cine y la pintura, para contar historias que van de lo tierno a lo grotesco. Sus imágenes son una combinación de distintos elementos reales, manipulados digitalmente para provocar en el espectador una experiencia onírica que, en algunos momentos, podría rayar con el horror.