سيدي العربي الشرقاوي
Сиди Ларби Шеркауи
artist: Antony Gormley
The 17 Monks performing in Sutra are directly from the original Shaolin Temple, situated near Dengfeng City in the Henan Province of China and established in 495AD by monks originating from India. In 1983 the State Council defined the ShaolinTemple as the key national Buddhist Temple. The monks follow a strict Buddhist doctrine, of which Kung fu & Tai Chi martial arts are an integral part of their daily regime. By visiting the Shaolin Temple in China, and working with the Shaolin Monks over several months, Sidi Larbi follows a life-long interest of exploring the philosophy and faith behind the Shaolin tradition, its relationship with Kung-Fu, and its position within a contemporary context.