

The Gold Divide
“I visualized The Gold Divide as a transparent wall; a large surface representing emotion and energy. The piece was inspired by my experiences studying abroad in Amsterdam, time spent at Haystack Mountain School of Crafts and the community at Massachusetts College of Art and Design. It was a cumulation of observations and experiences—like riding my bike through the city of Boston and seeing vast construction netting wrapped around buildings. These large surfaces of material triggered my fascination for creating work at an enormous scale. I reflected on process, on how something is made, and was further intrigued by the challenge and symbolism of independently sewing four hundred yards of fabric on a single industrial sewing machine.” Leah Medin

vincent leroy

slow drop
Slow Drop captures a distorted and dreamlike image of the city. Everything seems to become clear and natural. Slow Drop is free, fluid separate from the real world and all the limitations. It is a singular and pure form, as if it had come from another universe. It gives way to sleep, to contemplation.