
Wayne McGregor


Atomos grows out of the smallest unit of matter. Bodies, movement, film, sound and light are atomised into miniature shards of intense sensation.Ten incredible dancers perform the unique style of Wayne McGregor – sculptural, rigorous, jarring and hauntingly beautiful. McGregor is accompanied by a team of sensational artists including longtime collaborators lighting designer Lucy Carter and filmmaker Ravi Deepres, and neo-classical ambient composers A Winged Victory For The Sullen.

Wayne Mcgregor

Directed by British fashion photographer Nick Knight of SHOWStudio, Torus is a film on human connection and loneliness featuring choreography by Wayne McGregor and styling by Norwegian designer Fredik Tjærandsen. Performed by Company Wayne McGregor, Torus shows dancers wearing inflatable balloons designed by Tjærandsen, orbiting in darkness as isolated entities, occasionally lit as they transition through a temporal universe, a mirror to the life that many are only passing through, barely connecting.


Автобиография – это абстрактная медитация на аспекты личности, жизни и письма, нелинейный подход к истории жизни, отражающий как воспоминания прошлого, так и спекулятивные перспективы. МакГрегор работал с танцорами из своей компании в 2017 году, чтобы создать хореографию из старых произведений, личных воспоминаний, произведений искусства и музыки, которые были важны в его жизни. Из этих элементов были созданы 23 секции материала движения, отражающие 23 пары хромосом генома человека. Затем хореографические события из 23 секций были введены в алгоритм, основанный на генетическом коде МакГрегора.

Wayne McGregor

Autobiography is an abstract meditation on aspects of self, life and writing, a non-linear approach to a life story refracting both remembered pasts and speculative futures. McGregor worked with dancers from his company in 2017 to create choreography from old writings, personal memories, pieces of art and music that have been important in his life. From these elements, 23 sections of movement material were created, reflecting the 23 pairs of chromosomes of the human genome. The choreographic events from the 23 sections were then fed into an algorithm based on McGregor’s genetic code.


واين ماكغريغور
웨인 맥그리거
ויין מקגרגור
Уэйн МакГрегор
rAndom International
Wayne McGregor’s anatomy-defying choreography and ground-breaking approach across dance, science, film, music, visual art and technology has fuelled a string of truly unique works. FAR is no exception. Inspired by the controversial Age of Enlightenment, FAR mines an era that first placed ‘a body in question’. Ten incredible dancers confront the distortions, sensuality and feeling of the 18th Century‘s searing contemporary sensibility to a haunting score by the critically-acclaimed composer Ben Frost. Staged in a mesmerizing environment of shadow and light (rAndom International, Lucy Carter), object and film (Moritz Junge, Ravi Deepres), FAR binds cutting edge design with choreography made from a radical cognitive research process.

Wayne McGregor, Olafur Eliasson & Jamie xx

Tree of Codes
Tree of Codes opens with a magical world: a pitch-black stage with moving lights decked out on the costumes of unseen dancers. It could be a starry constellation or fragments of a city as seen from an aeroplane at night, or a group of robots powered by a playful AI operating system. more