
Hassan Razak and Pierre Rigal

Bataille is a confrontation between two physical actors : on one hand Hassan Razak, specialist of body percussion and on the other hand Pierre Cartonnet, specialist of acrobatics. This confrontation is a complex, paradoxical and ambiguous battle. Is it a realistic dance or a choreographic fight ? Is it a contract accepted by both parts or a unilateral violence ? Is it a fool’s game ? Is the violence undergone or granted ? Masochist or sadist ?

Peeping Tom

Peeping Tom’s dance shoves certain motifs towards the very limits of acrobatics. Yet between bruised, nostalgic people, or people in love, the situations are deeply dramatic and expressed with feeling. This new piece develops the generic persona of the old father, his mythology, his prestige and his ridicule, his pitiable power deleted by gradual disintegration. It is an intensely human portrayal.