
Kishi Yuma

META-SELF : Redefine humanity through the gaze of AI
岸裕真 1993年栃木県生まれ。2019年に東京大学大学院工学科電気専攻修了。以降東京を拠点に活動開始。多次元空間の差しをシミュレートし平行世における”幽霊”の姿を見つめることで、次元を超えるエネルギーとしての”愛”について思考する作品を制作。他にもMVや広告など多領域で活動中。


Nathan Shipley

Dali Lives
Using an artificial intelligence (AI)-based face-swap technique, known as “deepfake” in the technical community, the new “Dalí Lives” experience employs machine learning to put a likeness of Dalí’s face on a target actor, resulting in an uncanny resurrection of the moustacheod master. When the experience opens, visitors will for the first time be able to interact with an engaging life-like Salvador Dalí on a series of screens throughout the Dalí Museum.