
La Turbo Avedon

Pardon Our Dust
Pardon Our Dust è una nuova installazione digitale – una simulazione e narrazione virtuale – in cui l’avatar-self di La Turbo Avedon accompagna i visitatori attraverso diversi paesaggi e spazi del mondo virtuale, che – alludendo al titolo della mostra e allo sviluppo di Web3 – sono in un costante stato di costruzione e decostruzione.


Chatrooms II
LaTurbo Avedon is a social media avatar and artist. Her work has been enabled by an ever-growing network of friends and collaborators, allowing her to participate in both online and offline exhibitions internationally. Residing entirely on digital platforms, her work ranges from character creation in video games to constructing entirely new virtual environments to inhabit.

Claudia Hart

The Swing

In The Swing, a 3D game avatar becomes Rococo fleshy decadence. In this multi-screen animation, the avatar swings on a seat suspended from the sky, in super Mannerist slow time. Her wooded surroundings ebb and flow at different rate, imitating stop-motion. Years pass in a matter of moments. The avatar is the driver of all of these cycles, but a driver scarcely in control – she is instead, a Mother Nature heading straight for what she suspects might be oblivion. The Swing is a multi channel installation, in nine, five and three screen versions.

sound: Kurt Hentschlager