

Ponte do macaco
Este projeto é a continuação da ponte suspensa. Um formato externo, planejado para o jardim japonês Tatton Park para a bienal de mesmo nome. Esta ponte de corda sairá da água e formará um arco pela tração dos grandes balões de hélio.


monkey bridge

This project is the continuation of the suspension bridge. An outdoor format, planned for the Japanese Tatton Park garden for the biennial of the same name. This rope bridge will come out of the water and form an arc by the pull of the large helium balloons.


olafur eliasson

اولافور الياسون
אולאפור אליאסון
cirkelbroen bridge
The bridge is made of five circular platforms, and it contributes to a larger circle that will form a pedestrian route around Copenhagen Harbour, where people – cycling, running, walking – can see the city from a very different perspective. As many as 5,000 people will cross this bridge each day. I hope that these people will use Cirkelbroen as a meeting place, and that the zigzag design of the bridge will make them reduce their speed and take a break. To hesitate on our way is to engage in bodily thought. I see such introspection as an essential part of a vibrant city