
bill viola

빌 비올라
ביל ויולה
martyrs (earth, air, fire, water)

“As the work opens, four individuals are shown in stasis, a pause from their suffering. Gradually there is movement in each scene as an element of nature begins to disturb their stillness. Flames rain down, winds begin to lash, water cascades, and earth flies up. As the elements rage, each martyr’s resolve remains unchanged. In their most violent assault, the elements represent the darkest hour of the martyr’s passage through death into the light.”

bill viola

빌 비올라
ביל ויולה
Martyrs (Earth, Air, Fire, Water)
Bill Viola dit:
Au début de l’œuvre, quatre individus sont montrés en stase, une pause de leur souffrance. Peu à peu, il y a du mouvement dans chaque scène alors qu’un élément de la nature commence à perturber leur immobilité. Les flammes pleuvent, les vents commencent à frapper, l’eau tombe en cascade et la terre s’envole. Alors que les éléments font rage, la résolution de chaque martyr reste inchangée. Dans leur assaut le plus violent, les éléments représentent l’heure la plus sombre du passage du martyr de la mort à la lumière.

Daniel Canogar

The sculptural artwork is composed of four metal ribbons lined with LED screens that cascade down the wall. The sinuous shape of Waterfall is reinforced by the constant flow of abstract images that slide down the screen surface. The video is generated in real-time by global trading data. Waterfall attempts to capture the ceaseless ebb and flow of financial data that touches us in more ways that we can imagine.

Harrison Pearce

Defence Cascade
In the installation inflated silicone forms are suspended amidst an austere metal structure, and are prodded by automated rods. Set to contrastingly beautiful music by composer Alex Mills, which is punctuated by the industrial sounds of the mechanised device, the art work looks like a science experiment, or some kind of torture device, and you may find yourself anthropomorphising the poor, inflated bags which are at the mercy of their mechanical environment.